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Posts posted by mrd-alias

  1. Has anyone noticed that trying to zoom in on a waveform section is very squirrelly in the new version?

    It should be a simple process, and is VITAL to editing a wave... but when I zoom in, the wave shifts around and is such a PAIN to work with. It used to work perfectly in the older version.


    One thing particularly annoying is that the highlighted section does not remain centered and shifts to the left of the screen.



    Open any wav or mp3.

    Highlight a small section.

    Zoom to full screen (using the far right zoom button - FIT TO VIEW).

    Then either zoom in or out and you see that the focus is lost and your highlighted section is shifted to the left side.

    Very hard to edit waves that way. The old version did NOT do that.




    Also, the display gets corrupted when I page left and right after zooming in.


    Why NCH? Why?



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