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Posts posted by ubroadcasthater

  1. I have a couple of questions about this whole streaming server stuff before I give Broadwave a serious try:


    1. Does the computer I'm doing this on have to be turned on and connected to the internet in order for the playlist and pre-recorded/replay stuff to work? Let's say I do a live show via the live stream link, then set up a link to archive the recording of it. then I turn off the computer and walk away. Can users still listen to it? I would guess so, since audio files haveto be UPLOADED.


    2. I have to use air cards a lot of times to broadcast. Is it possible/feasible to use Broadwave this way? I know I can send it back to the studio by way of several methods and have someone here put it on the live stream, but that's often difficult, as we need our tiny little crew on site.


    I greatly appreciate any answers.


    Thank you in avance!

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