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Posts posted by jamillikan

  1. Thanks! I tried the e-mail above to contact you regarding ES 4.11. Is there any other way you know of to obtain version 4.11?


    Also, are you using Wine + ES 4.11 or ES 4.11 native?



    I'm using Wine and ES 4.11. Additionally, I'm using a serial pedal with a USB to serial adapter. I've discovered an "issue" with the USB to serial adapter with some computers running Ubuntu that I'd like to share. I ran into this "issue" on an HP Thinline Tricore AMD-based computer. If your USB to serial adapter with your foot pedal suddenly loses its mind and ceases to work during a playback, the following resolved that issue:


    Edit grub and add the following to the end of your boot line: noapic irqpoll pci=routeirq


    Save your changes and reboot. That resolved the "issue" with the USB to serial adapter suddenly ceasing to work. Express Scribe performs as designed thereafter with no issue. I was forced to figure that out because the computer had no available PCI ports for a half-height serial card. Hope this information helps others. If you're unfamiliar with how to edit your grub, here's how:


    sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst [Enter]

    (you will have to enter your password)

    add "noapic irqpoll pci=routeirq" (without the quotes) to the end of the line with the word "quiet splash" on it. Save your change. Restart your computer. The former anomaly should no longer present itself.

  2. Wow, this thread took off. I've not yet tested it under 9.04 (I gave up and just decided to just use inqScribe under my much less convenient Windows PC), but it looks like I'll likely run into the same problem.


    So if I'm reading correctly, sounds like I should be looking for the wine installation of an older version in order to get it to work correctly? I'm hesitant to go with the wine installation if it disables foot pedal use, but I haven't purchased a foot pedal yet so it might work for me anyways.



    Wine will not disable your serial foot pedal. It will work just fine with Express Scribe 4.11. I've been using it for years with no issue whatsoever. I'm currently on Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 with kernel 2.6.27-11 and haven't experienced the issue you described. For what it's worth, I'm staying with Express Scribe 4.11 because I can think of no well-founded reason to upgrade something that is working flawlessly for us.


    For others who may be reading this, if you have no serial port, fear not. The Sewell Direct USB to serial adapter works perfectly with a VEC serial pedal when used with wine on Ubuntu Jaunty. (Other varieties of USB to serial do not work properly for whatever reason.) I have documented instructions for enabling the USB to serial adapter using wine for those who need it. Just drop me an email: jamillikan@aol.com


    Hope this information benefits you.

  3. I have the same issue on the new Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04). Has nobody any idea to fix this problem? AT Joseph A. Millikan: do you have an idea, where to get an older version of Express Scribe? I googled for it to no purpose.



    I would be happy to email it to you if you like. The "issue" you and others are describing is not present in Ver. 4.11. It has been working without issue for over two years. I'm presently using it with Jaunty. No problem. I know it must be frustrating for those experiencing the issue you describe. You may email me at jamillikan@aol.com with your request, and I'll be happy to send you (or anyone else with the above-mentioned issue) the file. It is easily installed via wine with the command:


    wine essetup


    Disregard the screen messages that scroll by and you're in business.


    I hope this helps those experiencing problems with their Express Scribe. It's really a great product, at least that's been my experience with 4.11.



  4. Anyone else having this issue?


    I'll test this on another Ubuntu 8.10 machine tonight to see if it's an issue specific to my Acer Aspire One.


    Which version of Express Scribe are you using in Ubuntu 8.10. We're using Version 4.11 which has worked flawlessly for years on Edgy, Feisty, Hardy, Gutsy and now Intrepid with no issues. I cannot reproduce the issue you're describing. Perhaps you should downgrade to ES 4.11. It's rock-solid stable IMO.



  5. These instructions apply to Ubuntu 8.10 using Wine.



    A. Plug in your USB to serial adapter.

    B. Attach your serial pedal to the adapter.


    1. Launch a terminal

    2. cd .wine [Enter]

    3. cd dosdevices [Enter]

    4. ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 com1 [Enter]


    Launch Express Scribe.

    Set your pedal as com1

    Configure your pedal following the on-screen dialog. :rolleyes:



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