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Posts posted by mikesammy

  1. If you need to apply a PST and a GST to all your invoices then you can create a tax rate that is the sum of the two. If the PST is 8% and the GST is 5% then you can create a tax rate labelled PST and GST that adds 13%. You can have up to three separate tax rates within Express Invoice and then select which tax rate to apply for each item and you can also select one to be the default.


    If you need to have the GST and PST listed as separate items (i.e. GST = $x and PST = $x) on the invoice then unfortunately Express Invoice isn't able to do this. Feel free to submit the suggestion through the help menu though and we will see what we can do. If you are happy to have PST + GST = $x on the invoice then we are able to do that.


    Thanks for the info. I already know all of that because I've read all of your pertinent material.


    Of course, as I'm sure you understand, I have to have the taxes listed separately so that the accountants who work for my clients won't have to do the math on all of the invoices. This, as you know, would cost my clients dollars paid to their accountants, for the time it takes to punch the numbers into their calculators and come up with the individual figures.


    Thanks for your indication that I could submit a suggestion "through the help menu". I will spend a little more time trying to help your company. To help me help you, could you give me a specific link to where I can do this. That way, I won't have to spend the time on this small amount of research.


    By the way, I'd be open to a job offer, but my rates a very high.

  2. I ran into the same problem, do anyone figure it out yet?




    I've been in touch with Allison at NCH support. She has informed me that it is actually not true that this is possible. She acknowledged that their web site was misleading when it implied that it is possible to show two separate taxes on the same invoice.


    She told me that this is, in fact, not possible.


    She was "kind" enough to refund a small portion of the 30 bucks I spent in order to receive this information from her.


    I like the software a lot, but I will probably use a different application because reasonable support should be a given.


    To bad for both me, and NCH.


    (Maybe one day they will learn to apologize, and work to help us!)



  3. I live in Ontario, Canada, and I need to apply both PST and GST taxes to all of my invoices.

    I read the instructions called "How to show different tax rates on the same invoice", but I can't seem to make sense of it.

    Ideally, I'd like to have both taxes as the default setting for every sale.

    Can anyone talk me through this?


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