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Posts posted by katie

  1. I am having problems with the menu suddenly coming through as jittery and jumpy. Dictations record fine, but I simply cannot ask my clients to 'wade through' the jittery jumping menu. Is there a packet send issue or a new compression issue? Is there a setting I need to change? This is very frustrating as I spent the "BIG BUCKS" for the site license and I am "out of business" losing customers as we speak since I cannot fix this problem.


    I tested with Call Centric and have a ticket open with them. All tests are coming up as "GOOD" or "EXCELLENT" so I am thinking it is a software "packet send" issue or some kind of compression issue.


    I have already uninstalled and reinstalled both AXON and Dial Dictate FIVE times now in the last 24 hours. I have opened firewall ports. I cannot think of anything else. I am stumped. Does anyone have a clue?


    I am really disappointed. I paid for support for the first 30 days and that is about how long the software worked properly. I purchased the backup CDs for both Axon and DD and both of those are corrupt and show no data on them. I wish there was better support on these products. It is disheartening to read that some people have been waiting 6 months or more for answers. Questions on "free software" I might understand 'back-burnering' but paying customers deserve a prompt reply and a working solution.

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