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Posts posted by schooner@me.com

  1. I have Prism Video Converter Plus, MacBook Pro OS X 10.5.6. When I drag a DVD+R, originally recorded on a sony dvd recorder formatted and all, Prism almost immediately goes into NOT RESPONDING mode. Basically crashes! So I re-recorded my material (old VHS's) to a DVD-R and it accepted that, what's up? I don't want to re-record 50 old VHS's!

  2. OK, that made my Quicktime window 16x9, but my video is still disproportionate (people are tall and skinny 4x3), my original video was shot on a sony mini dvd camera in 16x9 aspect, but when I play it in Prism converter plus, it plays 4x3. How do I get it to play 16x9 as originally shot before converting to mpeg4 for Final Cut?

    Thanks, Schooner

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