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Posts posted by Robert.Simpson

  1. --------------------------------------------------



    Here I am, back in a flash after trying to load one of my .flac files into WavePad. I did not succeed. There was a quick flash in the window and it returned to its blank stare, without making any attempt to load a file using the well-known progress bar. Therefore, what I conclude from this futile exercise (I tried several times with different .flac files) is that something is wrong with the WavePad program in its loading of such files. I have the latest version of DirectX installed in my computer, and I cannot see any reason why I can't get decode a .flac file. I admit, however, that I am using version 3.04 of WavePad, and I don't know whether or not any attempt to fix this problem was made in the latest version release. I suspect that it was, since you at least got something resembling a proper loading of the file, while I do not.


    If you are interested in a guaranteed solution to the problem of sound wave editing, beginning with a .flac file (I do this day in and day out in my continuing music editing), send me a private message. I assume that you know how to do this. But if you do not, start with "My Controls" at the top of your screen and go from there. The process is easy and intuitive. I cannot guarantee that you will like my "solution," however :unsure:





    I've actually been able to edit the flac files quite successfully. The problem is only the display of the waveform. I ended up having to play lots of bits of the file to find out where to edit it which was rather tedious but did work out in the end. I did encounter one problem where the cut ended up at the wrong position but that was due to the waveform not being redrawn. I make sure I scroll a bit to the left and right and that seems to correct it.


    Anyway, thanks for the reply. Should I file a bug report for this?



  2. I assume that you mean a horizontal zoom, which decreases or increase the portion (i.e., the time length) of the waveform that is shown in the window.


    After the file is loaded in, at the bottom of the window you will see a couple of little magnifying glass icons, one containing a minus sign, the other containing a plus sign. Guess what? When you click on the plus sign, you will zoom in on the display; when you click on the minus sign, you will zoom out on the display.


    Amazing! :-)


    On second thought--this is not all that amazing, since this information is contained in the help file (I think). Read it (do as I say, not as I do at this very moment :-)) and you will certainly find this information there--somewhere.





    No, I meant the vertical zoom (amplitude not time). The horizontal zoom works fine (apart from some minor redraw issues).



  3. Hi,


    When I read in a flac file, the waveform is zoomed in too much so I can't see the profile properly. The 'Vertical Zoom' (ctrl-shift-v) button only makes it worse. Is there a way to reduce the zoom?

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