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Posts posted by profijetter

  1. Thanks for the suggestion. I am adding it to the list of suggested new features for a future release of GoldenRecords.


    Sorry for the confusion: there is a 3rd recording folder, where all changes after recording will be updated - just go to the view tab and open

    "view recording tab" - and there you will find all your changes perfectly applied to the file-type you specified you want to convert to. See

    the email-conversation with support below!





    1- I just made 3 recordings. I then joined the first two and modified the tags.


    2 - I clicked on View > “View Recordings Folder” and the newly joined file was there, with new tag information and all.


    Is this what you were referring to?


    Can you please tell me how your experience differs?





    Michael G

  2. I'm having the same problem as madom. I want to save edited/joined files but there is no "save" option for these items. Your suggestion re: file:options just applies to the original recorded files, not the edited ones.

    I burned the CD, but I also want to save them to my hard drive. Any suggestions?

    Can the software be tweaked to add a file save option?


    Seems that there is no solution, only a workaround: record all tracks you want, edit them and then burn to a mp3-Cd. And then copy them back to your harddisk. All who wants this feature should address to NCH so that we can expect that in one of the next releases.



    (I am a new bee too, but anyway: i have checked out all documentation that is available.....)

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