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Posts posted by madom

  1. Sorry Madom. I am so much of a newbie myself that I am not sure that I understand what you are asking. Perhaps someone else in this forum can help you. I would have thought that if you could burn it to CD, you could save it to the HD, but I could be mistaken. Sorry that I wasn't able to help you. Have a great day anyways, despite newbies trying to answer your questions.






    No problem, i appreciate your help. Thing is, that I'd like to save the edited, tagged songs to HD, and not just the raw recordings. Since the software tries to detect the songs it mistakes sometimes and I need to join or split songs afterwards. And I couldn't find a button "Save" within the app, just "Burn".

  2. Indeed it is. You save your .wav or .mp3 files to your hard drive and then you can use Windows Media Player or some other audio application to organize and play the resulting audio files. You can tell Golden Records where to save your files on your hard drive, or you can accept its default location. It is not necessary to save to a CD at all. Hope this helps. Have a great day.





    Thanks, but that I knew. I was wondering if I can save the EDITED songs, meaning after I tagged them and adjusted Ins and Outs and so on.

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