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Posts posted by joko

  1. I have been using ExpressScribe version 4.05 for Mac for a while. It works fine, but there seems to be a bug: the program doesn't always remember where it left off. Sometimes it jumps off the file, and if I haven't made a bookmark, I have to find my place again, which is a nuisance.


    So I installed the current version, and it was a nightmare. Loading files did not work smoothly. A file would slowly load, then the program would tell me it contained 0 bytes. There was no place under Control to set up the foot pedal. The audio began when I pressed the pedal, but it continued after I took my foot off the pedal. In Preferences, I unchecked the option for the bubble to appear each time I loaded a file, but it still kept appearing. I decided all these problems weren't worth it, so I retrieved my old version and deleted the new one.


    I am relatively new to the Mac. Can anyone tell me if I'm doing something stupid? I'm using Mac OX 10.5.6 (Leopard).

  2. I have recently switched to using Express Scribe on a Mac. I notice that the Mac version (I'm using version 4.05; is that the latest one?) does not remember my stopping point in a file when I close the program. The PC version remembers automatically. To make things worse, sometimes the Mac version jumps to another file when I've stopped transcribing temporarily to use another program but not closed Express Scribe. This is annoying because when I go back to the file I was working on, my position has been lost. Any advice?

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