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Posts posted by grizmio

  1. I guess I could write some code to process some OGMs loaded with Spanish recorded system prompts; but, there must an easier/less resource intensive solution. Does anyone know? Please let me know. Thank you.




    maybe its too late, but i had a similar problem with "invalid option"...

    go to menu--> settings --> prompts

    y ahi le cambias la grabacion por la que quieras...

    una linda solucion parche...

  2. Hi

    I read in the manual (section OGM - Advanced)


    "Add entry to special log


    IVM can create special logs of calls that play a particular OGM. including any data that the caller may have entered. These can be used to count the callers (and caller IDs) of callers that select a particular option, or to record the data the the caller has entered."


    Is there a way to add in this log the digit pressed by the called party during an outbound automatic call?

    or I need to implement an IVR leaf, using an external exe to store this information?




    if i understood you, you...

    maybe you should try writing the data to your log with the next OGM:

    ogm1 use data variable with name number (the default)


    ogm1: hi, do you like meat?press 1 for yes or 2 for no

    then with the ogm2 you write to special log the variable %number%


    it took me a lot forum searching to find out that you have to write it in the next ogm...

    and yes i know my english shouldnt be written. :lol:

  3. i am trying to run from command line in a windows xp or using the plugin outbound to call a outboundlist numers using a non default ogm with no success.

    first im trying with a single number before the whole list

    i tried:

    C:\>Outbound.exe "0246xxx21&ogm='Gracias'&ogmanswer='Gracias'&ogmmachine='Gracias'"
    C:\>Outbound.exe "0246xxx21&ogm=Gracias&ogmanswer=Gracias&ogmmachine=Gracias"
    C:\Archivos de programa\NCH Swift Sound\IVM>ivm.exe -outbound "0246xxx21&ogm=Gracias&ogmanswer=Gracias&ogmmachine=Gracias"
    C:\Archivos de programa\NCH Swift Sound\IVM>ivm.exe -outbound "0246xxx21&ogm='Gr


    all above calls 0246xxx21, but with the default OGM instead of overwriting with Gracias .



    my ivm version: 4.11 in a windows xp 32 bits SP3

    i followed the help located at C:\Archivos de programa\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\Help\119.html


    sorry about my 4 years old english. and if this is not posible, How can I run more than 1 ivm in a single computer ???

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