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  1. Does Express Talk work with Broadvoice.com? on the NCH web page titled Express Talk SIP Service Providers, Broadvoice is included in the list of "Service Providers" However, on this NCH web page, there is a comment that "Due to various technical issues with Broadvoice, this provider can only be used with Axon!". If the later is true, what are the limitations of Express Talk that make it incompatible with BroadVoice? I have been using X-Lite with Broadvoice for months and haven't had any trouble what-so-ever.
  2. I would like to write an Windows XP application to provide a specialized GUI for the physically disabled so they can use their PC to dial and talk on the phone. Is Express Talk and the NCH Unified API a way to do this? 1) Can the "Unified NCH Software API" be used on Express Talk to control it via .Net calls from my application? 2) If answer to question 1 it "yes" where can I find relevant documentation on the Express Talk API? Ideally, I would like to be able to: 1) make and receive PSTN phone calls. 2) create PC-PC conference calls with 5 to 10 PC's 3) mix audio from a text-to-speech engine with the microphone audio. Any suggestions on how to achieve this functionality would be greatly appreciated.
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