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  1. I'm having trouble with this as well, although it is partially working. When I issue a start command with a file name, 2 channels start recording - the one I'm trying to turn on as well as the one immediately before it. The lower numbered one uses the file name I issue. For example, this command: vrscmd -start 2 "C:\channel2.wav" will turn on recording for line 2 as well as line 1. Line 1 will use the "C:\channel2.wav" file name. Line 2 will use the default file name.
  2. I've downloaded the demo software and have been unable to use the command line options to start/stop recording (or perform any other of the command line options). I've been using this page (http://www.nch.com.au/vrs/sdk.html#VRSAPI) for reference. The channels are set up for "Manual Start/Stop Control". If I manually click the record button in VRS, it starts and stops recording as expected. If I can't get this working, we will be unable to use the program on the job we're working on. Any suggestions? Is the demo version limited in functionality? Thanks
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