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David Elsey

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Posts posted by David Elsey

  1. Thanks Kenny,


    One further question... any idea what search words I should use??? It seems like if I use cue or cuesheet and variations around that, that I get 'almost' soultions but not one that does the trick. Makes me wonder if there is a professional or techie term that I should be using?


    Cheers, Dave.

  2. I am already using Record Pad to record from a pa desk into my laptop and then using Switch to convert the file to other formats - if required.


    However, I need to take a 43 minute recording and somehow create what I will call 'markers' at say 30 second or 1 minute intervals on the track so that if a listener wants to go back to listen to something again, they do not need to go back to the beginning of the recording.


    According to Wave Pad's 'Can It do...' information, then that option is there on the Auto-Split option but when I select it it only allows me to set the splits according the decibel levels - not as above i.e. into 30 sec/1 minute sections. So I tried that anyway, to see how it worked and basically it appeared to be doing something but after 15 minutes was still doing 'something' without any obvious end in sight.


    What I do not want, is say 8 separate tracks of 5 minute duration plus 1 x 3 minute track to end, what I need is to be able to drop the 43 minute recording onto a CD, so that it plays as a continuous recording - just with the ability to jump backwards and forwards in 30 second chunks.


    Can Wave Pad do this, if not... which product [if any] from the NCH stable should I be using for a project as described above.


    Many thanks.

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