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Posts posted by Bridge

  1. The free version of WavePad is a version we make for promotional purposes (eg. on CDs, marketing programs etc) and therefore not always readily available, which causes confusion for people who see it on some third party web sites and follow the links to our WavePad Masters page.


    Here is the link you need to find the free version of Wavepad http://www.nch.com.au/wavepad/index.html





    Amber, since March 2008 I have not used wavepad. Some how I still get email notifications of new postings which are annoying. Unsubscribe is so convoluted that I have given up. I have directed my email server to direct all email notices to my deleted files mailbox, which i have to trash frrom time-to-time.


    Can you helpe get out of this mess?




    Bridge :angry:

  2. I would hope after 50 years, patience, if nothing else, would finally have become a virtue to cherish for it's own sake. But in the modern age I suppose we are all our own worst enemies.


    Anyway, to answer your question...


    Under the 'File' menu, select "Load Audio CD tracks"...


    When the one you want is in the editor, highlight the first 44 seconds - holding down the left mouse button, as per normal.


    Right-click the highlighted area and select "Delete" from the menu which appears.


    (Now here you say "Record"... not sure what you mean by that... if you wish, you can insert a previously recorded section into the file using the editing tools until you end up with what you want.)


    Save the file. It will offer default .WAV options of PCM 44kHz 16Bit Stereo, 172 kb/sec, etc. These are fine, so save it anywhere.


    Go back to the "File" menu at the top again, and select "Copy All Open Files to CD" - Select "Audio" from the sub-menu. This will tell you to save the file again because it likes repeating itself.


    Anyway, this will invoke Express Burn Plus (NCH's disc burning toy). If you don't already have it installed, it will do it automatically and run it.


    Select your saved file(s), hit "Burn CD" and Bob's your uncle.


    May God grant you many more.


    (At least until you tire of this mortal coil.)


    Hey, young person, you sure do know something.


    I less thay 5 minutes I had the song burned on the CD.


    My you live in peace!!!!!

  3. I would hope after 50 years, patience, if nothing else, would finally have become a virtue to cherish for it's own sake. But in the modern age I suppose we are all our own worst enemies.


    Anyway, to answer your question...


    Under the 'File' menu, select "Load Audio CD tracks"...


    When the one you want is in the editor, highlight the first 44 seconds - holding down the left mouse button, as per normal.


    Right-click the highlighted area and select "Delete" from the menu which appears.


    (Now here you say "Record"... not sure what you mean by that... if you wish, you can insert a previously recorded section into the file using the editing tools until you end up with what you want.)


    Save the file. It will offer default .WAV options of PCM 44kHz 16Bit Stereo, 172 kb/sec, etc. These are fine, so save it anywhere.


    Go back to the "File" menu at the top again, and select "Copy All Open Files to CD" - Select "Audio" from the sub-menu. This will tell you to save the file again because it likes repeating itself.


    Anyway, this will invoke Express Burn Plus (NCH's disc burning toy). If you don't already have it installed, it will do it automatically and run it.


    Select your saved file(s), hit "Burn CD" and Bob's your uncle.


    May God grant you many more.


    (At least until you tire of this mortal coil.)


    =========================================================================== :):)


    Thank you young person! Thanks for the prompt reply and I will try your suggestion tomorrow.


    I didn't marry until I was 27 , so this mortal life is becoming tired. So far in good health, looking forward to continuing for a while.

  4. I am using Free download Wave Pad, with Windows XP home version.


    I am able to select a track - song - from a music CD. I can click on play and the track will play.


    I want to delete the first 44 seconds, record, save from there. and burn to a new CD.


    I am in a time bind for puttting together a 50th anniversary - mine - slideshow, and don't have time to learn as I go - already spent 3 hours without luck.


    How do I do that.


    Thanks for all help!!!!

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