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Posts posted by dripdoc

  1. v-14 is what they gave me when I bought the liscense, I've tried downloading an older trial version, but it keeps reloading v-14. I'm assuming this is the Vista version, and because I bought the liscense it keeps reloading the same version through that install on demand prog.


    I'll try what you said about file types, thanks for the help.


    Nope, it makes no difference what file type it is when wavpad saves it to mixpad, it's still distorted more when using the noise removal option. It's less at higher db settings. I've repeatedly reloades the prog to get back to the default settings.

    Why didn't this thing do it when I first bought it?

  2. Wavepad suddenly (as of yesterday) takes ages to load mp3 files and is corrupting them with distortion and/or an echo effect. If the file is saved the corruption is permanent. I have Nero on another computer and these files are fine when opened. I have uninstalled aand reinstaled without any improvement. Any help out there. I do wish to go back to Nero.


    I've had the same prob with Mixpad on mu laptop running Vista. When I edit a clip (through wavpad by default) especially when I use the "remove noise" option, it comes out more scratchy than when I started out . It didn't do that when I first bought it, and it doesn't do it on my other pc's running XP

  3. What format are you saving the files as? Try different formats (PCM WAV, MP3, etc...) and see what results you get. What version of WavePad are you using?



    v-14 is what they gave me when I bought the liscense, I've tried downloading an older trial version, but it keeps reloading v-14. I'm assuming this is the Vista version, and because I bought the liscense it keeps reloading the same version through that install on demand prog.


    I'll try what you said about file types, thanks for the help.

  4. Trim a little bit of the beginning of your file in wavpad by clking on an empty spot just before your vocal starts,then rt clk and choose "trim start" This will cut off some of the beginning so you can now grab the track and move it back and forth untill you get it lined up with your beat. I do this all the time in MixPad.


    G.L. dripdoc@neo.rr.com

  5. Try saving it as a PCM encoded WAV file, select the "CD Quality" option once you press the save button and have selected .wav as the format. MP3 files will always contain this fraction of silence.


    You could also try using MixPad if you wish to mix several tracks together precisely to attempt to eliminate this silence if you still experience it.



    Trim a little bit of the beginning of your file in wavpad by clking on an empty spot just before your vocal starts,then rt clk and choose "trim start" This will cut off some of the beginning so you can now grab the track and move it back and forth untill you get it lined up with your beat. I do this all the time in MixPad.

  6. Very apt! I hate Vista, have had nothing but problems with it from the start AND I will forever kick myself in the behind for not buying a new computer with XP still on it or insisting they remove Vista and put XP on it.. But then, who knew? :unsure:


    Well, you can buy XP at Wal-Mart and install it if you want.

  7. Hi, I saved a voice narration and music to a file. I used mixpad to do the work. Now it is together as a wav. file. However, now I want to go back to the mixpad page viewing the original voice narration (on 1 line ) separate from the music (on another line). How do I do this? Every time I go back to mix pad now it brings back the finished product (where both the voice narration and the music are combined). The problem is that I want to cut some sections of the narration now but keep the music the same.

    How do I do this??



    Search your pc for the mixpad PROJECT file. The PROJECT is an exact copy of what you made the first time. Once you find that, keep it's location in mind and open Mixpad again.

    Use File, open, then direct it to the PROJECTS location. if you find it, open it and WHALLA it should be the one you did the first time.

    For future reff, when you close a Mixpad proj and it askes if you want to save it, always say yes (you can delete later) but make sure you remember where PROJECTS are going to be saved, and name it with the word PROJECT in the name so you will know what it is later when you are in this kind of situation. If you deleted it your s.o.l, but restore may help if it's that important to you. Good Luck

  8. 1) Does the scratchiness appear initially when you load the file or only after you do some editing? Also can you hear the scratchiness within WavePad or does it only occur once you save the file again?


    2) It's to provide an overview of what you're working on. For example when you're zoomed in and highlight a section, it will show you where that section is in relation to the entire clip.


    I have the same prob Richard, I get more scratchy distortion after I use the remove hiss tool than I had before.

    But mine didn't do it when I first started using mixpad, so I tend to think it's a setting prob, maybe vol levels or the db setting in the wav pad editor.


    I've been going nuts, but now I know I'm not alone.

  9. It looks like we are pretty much on our own with this problem



    I dont think anyone else has this problem or therre would have been a few more replies :huh:


    I'm new and I'm running vista. I haven't had any real problems other than setting up my mic, because the built in mic on my pc wants to work at the same time as my vocal mic. If you clk rec on a track, then the red rec btn in bottom lft it should rec. It won't build a clip untill you clk stop. it should appear in the track clip you highlighted first.


  10. I downloaded the Wavepad a couple of months ago to learn a little about computer recording. I have a emachines computer with Windows XP. I am a songwriter and use it for a scratch pad. I merely hooked up a $9 Logitech microphone to record my songs. It works just great and the effects are a blessing. With just a basic setup it works just fine and I'm quite pleased with it.

    Are there any others that do this, and what tips can you give me to get more than one track?



    Hi Songwriter, I too got wave pad to record my own songs, I'm new tho. I love this thing, I am just getting back to singing after years of not. But the Prob I'm having is that when I use the noise reduction, it sounds great in the wavepad editor.

    But when I save the clip back to wavepad, it sounds scratchy.

    What do you think? :blink:

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