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Posts posted by Susie

  1. Very apt! I hate Vista, have had nothing but problems with it from the start AND I will forever kick myself in the behind for not buying a new computer with XP still on it or insisting they remove Vista and put XP on it.. But then, who knew? :unsure:

  2. I downloaded Wavepad a few days ago and it worked fine with Vista for me.... For awhile.... :lol: Now when I try to use it, it gives me this error that the song I'm trying to open is either corrupted or is not a true layer 3-MPG file! Garbage! A few days ago it opened the exact same song without any problem and let me edit it for length.. Now, it's to the point where it won't open any more files, no matter if it's opened them before or not.. Think Wavepad may not be the program for me, eh? The only thing I want it for is to decrease (or increase, as the case may be) the length of songs so I can burn them to CD's easier.. Perhaps the program just won't work with Vista.. :(

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