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Posts posted by msteelefl

  1. I am a new user of IVM Answering Attendant, so I apologize if my question is a little basic. Like the original poster, I want to capture the key presses when a user calls. I only need to record a single key press: 1-8 , and write it to a text file. I have the variable set up as 'number' as well as the %time% and %date% which both show up in the log. But these are written before the key presses. I tried to set up a second OGM as indicated in this thread, but I'm not sure of how this should be configured. Also I'm a little confused as to when this data is supposed to be written to the file. I see the variable being set in the status window when I simulate a call, however it is never written out to my file.

    Basically I want my OGM to state:

    "Press 1 for song a, press 2 for song b," etc. The resulting log file should contain a single line with the key that was pressed. Seems like this should be a trivial thing, but I'm just not seeing it right now. Can someone please help me understand the sequence of events that needs to happen to accomplish my goal? Thanks in advance.



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