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Posts posted by tlak83

  1. bugs that i've seen using this method


    1. sometimes even when uplink tells you that it succesfully ataches to skype it doesnt to make it work just shut it of then start skype then uplink


    that should take care of the problem if it doesnt remove uplink from the manage other aplications in skype privacy options then shut off uplink start skype then uplink


    2. sometimes the ogm wont send the message causing the transfer to fail


    fix. just open ivm click on it then it will start working again


    i think it does that when many of the transfered calls are not answered


    then it might also be that 5 calls limit in the setup of the line i guess i will try with 99 and see what happens


    i will let you know of any results on that or if you find the reason why please let me know


    3. when a call is made through the sip device or softphone the call is transfered to skype and skype starts dialing but if i hang up the phone skype will keep on dialing


    i havent found a fix for this so if you find it please post it here


    if you see any other bugs please list them here and if the solution was found post it also



  2. :rolleyes:



    things to remmember before you start is that for everything i will use the names stated here if by any reason you change any of those names or numbers make sure their setup the same way in every step that needs that name and or number names and numbers used are very important if yhou change them pay attention to what you do


    so here we go


    1. gather


    - uplink

    - axon http://www.nch.com.au/pbx/pbxsetup.exe

    - ivm ansering machine http://www.nch.com.au/ivm/ivmsetup.exe

    - sip device or softphone

    - skype wich you can get from http://download.oldversion.com/skype300218.exe

    - setup 2 free accounts at any sip service provider ( this is optional but if the sip phone that you want to ring is in a remote computer youre better off doing it )


    2. start fresh so you know the setup and there wont be no bugs so if any of the programs mentioned above are already installed just uninstall them and you will get no problems


    3. install skype and login as usual


    4. install axon


    5. setup axon you can get it from here http://www.nch.com.au/pbx/pbxsetup.exe


    run setup when prompted to install aditional software uncheck everything you will intall everything manually as needed i found it better to be done that way


    when prompted for extensions needed select only 3 you will need more but 3 will be enough to get an understanding


    when asked if you want to open web control just say yes


    login to the control panel


    click on extensions and leave only the extensions 101 and 198 delete the rest


    click on external lines and leave only Uplink Sip To Skype delete the rest


    click on dialing plans and delete every single dialing plan thats already setup


    click on groups and delete every single group thats already setup


    click on dialing plans and setup a dialing plan called skype2sip then save


    setup the following dialing rules


    If number starts with: 9

    ->Remove digits: 1

    ->Prepend: +52 the 52 should be changed to what ever your country code is for us and canada just use +1

    ->Dial On Line: Uplink Sip To Skype


    If number starts with: 8

    ->Remove digits: 1

    ->Prepend: +521 the 521 should be changed to what ever your country code is then i added the one since is needed for me to call cellphones so if you live in mexico you can use the same setup if you dont need any special number to dial a cellphone the dont add an extra rule

    ->Dial On Line: Uplink Sip To Skype



    If number starts with: 7

    ->Remove digits: 1

    ->Prepend: leave this blank

    ->Dial On Line: Uplink Sip To Skype

    ( this one will be used to call skype contacts by their user name like joe123 )


    If number starts with: 2

    ->Remove digits: 1

    ->Prepend: leave this blank

    ->Dial On Line: voipclient

    ( make sure you use voipclient on this one or your sip wont ring when skype calls in


    If number starts with: 1

    ->Remove digits:

    ->Prepend: leave this blank

    ->Dial On Line: [Extension]

    ( make sure you use [Extension] on this one or it wont work at all


    setup an extension


    Extension ID (or User Name): uplink

    Display Name: Uplink Sip To Skype

    Password: 123456

    uncheck the rest of the boxes


    the rest of the extensions will be for your contacts im going to put an examp[le for skype id joe123 if you setup an extension for a tel number use the proper dialing rule


    Extension ID (or User Name): 101

    Display Name: joe's skype ( this name could be anything

    Password: 123456

    voicemail unchecked

    Transfer if Not Answered checked

    Transfer to Number: 7joe123 ( joe123 is skypes id )

    Time before transfer (seconds): 0

    Call Recorder this is up to you


    for any other contact change the setting acordingly

    Transfer to Number: acording to dialing rules

    Time before transfer (seconds): should always be 0

    Outbound Dialing Plan: should always be skype2sip unless you have another set of rules

    voicemail should always be unchecked


    go to the external lines tab


    you only need 2 external lines


    setup an external line ( Line Name Uplink Sip To Skype , ID or User Name uplink password whatever you prefer Incoming Calls Ring on Extension or Group uplink )


    setup an external line ( Line Name voip2 , ID or User Name this should be what ever you sip provider gave you password this should be what ever you sip provider gave you Incoming Calls Ring on Extension or Group 198 )



    axon is done


    6. setup your sip adapter or softphone


    i use a sip adapter wich is on a location other than where axon is running so i have 2 sip accounts with the same provider


    if you dont have 2 sip accounts and still want to use this methode then just add another external line to axon and setup your softphone with those settins


    if you go for the 2 sip accounts make sure their from the same provider or have peering with each other one sip account will be in your sip adapter or softphone and the other will be running in axon and will be the voip2 external line created in axon last step so make sure you use the proper settins on the voip2 external line that was created in axon in the last step


    so now since my setup for my sip adapter has a 101651 number i will use this for the rest of the document so change that as necessary


    7. download and install ivm


    here is the download link




    run the setup


    when prompted for additional software to install uncheck the boxes dont install any additonal software if you need those install them, later get this to work then attach something else


    after it loads click on settings then telephony


    you can remove the mail account unless you want to uise it but leave the voip call attendant


    click ok


    click ogm


    delete all entrys in ogm


    add new entry and name it transfers


    click change message audio and record what ever message you want i used dial the extension number but you can use what ever you like


    click on key response


    here im just going to put an example of key 1


    press 1... from the drop down menu select transfer

    number should be set to the extension number that you created in axon for this case we put 101 wich is ouir skype contact joe123

    transfer method blind


    you will do the same for every number you want to add to the ogm extensions make sure to also add an extension in axon for every number


    i know your limited to setup only 12 key responses now i would not recomend you to use the # and * since you can setup the key # to open another ogm file wich will give you the ability to setup another 10 numbers and you could use * to go back to a previous ogm


    after you have setup everything if you need some personal adjustments just make them after everything is working correctly and as you add something verify it works so you dont leave errors everywhere in youre setup and their impossible to find


    8. download and setup uplink


    download uplink from here http://www.nch.com.au/skypetosip/uplinksetup.exe


    run the setup program


    dont install any additional software


    if additional software is needed add it after this setup is working properly


    once uplink is up it will give you several errors thats ok


    click options


    change when skype calls sip dial the following number

    0101651 this is my sip account as mentioned above so this should be set to what ever your sip number is just add a 2 before it make sure the 2 is there since the dial rules say if starts with 2 will call you sip device or softphone


    click on account


    change the password to whatever you have set on axon for the uplink extension


    click on the network tab


    uncheck all boxes on the network tab


    it will must likely give you errors so you must close uplink completely


    after closing it and while is still closed open skype


    sign in


    go to options privacy


    manage other programs amke sure that box doesnt have anything on it


    close the options on skype and fire up uplink


    if everything goes well uplink will show no errors


    make sure you give uplink permision to use skype


    then go back to skype options audio and make sure everything is set to use uplink


    9. time to test


    if everything went well you should be able to make and receive calls through your sip adapter or soft phone using skype and the calls received on skype should ring on your sip adapter or softphone if it doesnt post your problem here and i will try to help you get it working




  3. ok so i've been going around in circles just when i think i can have it working it just doesnt and it might not be possible so thats why im asking just to make sure so i dont waste any more of my time


    so here is what i got


    2 sip accounts with x voip server they both work i know what settings to use to make them work i will refer to them as voip 1 and voip 2

    1 linksys pap2

    voip1 setup in pap2 working fine

    voip2 setup in a softphone in my pc




    what i want oto acomplish


    skype to receive a call and direct the call through voip2 and voip2 will dial voip1 and i will answer the call through the pap2

    wich ive got to work by setting the voip2 account into uplink

    the problem is when i try to dial an especific number from skype through my voip1 account

    i dial through voip1 into voip2 and uplink gets the call

    if i setup uplink to direct to an especific number it will dial it no problem but if i use the use the dialed number option i dont know how to do

    tried dialing the number after uplink aknowleges the call but the thing is that i can hear the phone ringing as if it was never answered


    i also tried setting up axon

    uplink connecting to axon

    voip2 setup in axon


    now the only way for me to get to axon through my voip1 is dialing voip2 wich then is forwarded to whatever extension i tell axon to

    so i forwarded to uplink extension but i get the exact same response no way for me to enter the number that i want to dial

    but also went 1 step backwards since now uplink is not sending the calls from skype into voip1




    i went and downloaded the answering machine the IVM

    voip2 in axon

    uplink in axon

    IVM in axon

    and told axon to forward the calls to ivm

    i setup ivm with a call atendant wich will ask you to select one option

    in this case i only have setup 1 and is to transfer the call to x extension i want in this case uplink sice i want uplink to use skype to dial out

    uplink receives the call then the call is dropped


    so i've tried several settings and none of them have worked


    so my question is if this can be done

    if so can someone explain me how i have to set it up

    im up to try anything is just that i feel like i ran out of possible configurations



    please help



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