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Posts posted by klunde

  1. It is possible. I do not know how often and when VRS does it but the program do re-read the registry from time to time. I have frome time to time changed my schedules directly in the registry and VRS have picked up these changes without me having to restart the program.


    In order to write a php script to generate a registry file you must only follow the "rules". Here's the recording schedule for one of my channels. It will give you a clue to how the scheduler entries is built up.


    One thing to remember: If you reduce the number of scheduling entries you must also delete them from the registry, not only write a reg file with the new entries.


    Example of registry:























  2. The scheduling is done within the program and the entries are stored in registry.



    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00









  3. Hi


    I have a problem with one of my VRS recorders. It seems to stop converting files into MP3 after a while. I'm runninv v5.10. It converts three or four files from the "backlog" but then it stops converting files. I can see i process explorer that there is no mp3enc.exe process running anymore. If I quick the recorder and start it up again it converts some more files.


    My recorders is set to record 24/7 in 30 minutes file segments for 7 channels.


    Is there a way to speed up the process?


    Is there a way to see what files is in VRS's backlog?

  4. Is there a way to add / change datetime recording schedules without interrupting ongoing recordings?


    I have a recorder which is mostly recording someting on one of the lines at all times and if I change, add or deletes a scheduled recording the program stops all current recordings and starts up again.


    Does VRS read the registry on regular basis? Could I use some kind of tool / template to update the registry directly?


    (I'm running version 5.10)



  5. Hi


    I have an older VRS server running with a lot of date-time schedules. Now I have bought a new computer and a new license for VRS and I want to transfer all my old recording schedules to the new computer, but the later releases uses registry to store the recording schedule information. Is there a way to import from the old ini file? (I have some hundred different schedules on my old v3.06 recorder)

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