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Posts posted by andywong

  1. I wanna use command line to dail a outbound call in command line as follows

    C:\Program Files\NCH Swift Sound\IVM>IVM.exe -outbound 996xxxxxx -hide


    My setting is I use an external voice modem to connect to PC under WinXp, so I would send the same command but different no. (Only 1 No.) each time for the Sales to dial out, then sometimes the IVM seems no response to dial.


    My question is why the IVM outbond cannot dial out after several time succeed dailing and how to solve this problem?

    Anyone has this experience before or may be we can share the experience.



  2. I have set up an ODBC connect to Oracle and test the connection is successful. Then I use command line in the command prompt as follows

    c:\Program Files\NCH Swift Sound\IVM>SQLLink.exe ivr_test "Select * From ClientCall;" ivrtest ivrtest


    However the result return is: Result=Error&Copyright=NCH Swift Sound


    My question is what's wrong with my command or setting, i am using trail version of IVM and downloand the SQLLink plugin


    Pls Help Help me!!! Tkx :(

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