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  1. I read the review by Toptenreviews, and while the overall feedback was positive, there were some minor cons mentioned that caught my attention. The review mentioned that the recorded videos had minor flaws such as pixelation and some shakiness, resulting in a final product that is acceptable but not flawless. I noted that the review was from 2 years ago and was wondering if this has been improved since then. If it has remained the same, is there a way to address these flaws? I am seeking to record with video/audio quality equivalent to when I'm not recording. Thanks in advance!
  2. The dropdown menu of compression settings does not have "28". Has it changed from an update or am I at the wrong place? Below is the screenshot: https://ibb.co/72CPGnX Regarding video default quality vs high quality (larger filesize), is it worth it to use high quality?
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