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Posts posted by giovanni

  1. please, please.... did you experiment simmilar problems????


    IVM answer to different calls at the same time by merging outgoing messages!

    • only voip connections
    • more sip accounts with different sip numubers with the same operator
    • one LAN Network adapter
    • ADSL
    • XP pro and 2000 server - no differences
      Any one call ask for different OGM tree.
      During the replay, the answer given become mixed and you can ear, in the first call, the OGM responses given for the second and viceversa. :mellow::huh::angry:


    Any one experimented similar problems?


    thanks for your replay!

  2. please, please.... did you experiment simmilar problems????


    IVM answer to different calls at the same time by merging outgoing messages!

    • only voip connections
    • more sip accounts with different sip numubers with the same operator
    • one LAN Network adapter
    • ADSL
    • XP pro and 2000 server - no differences
      Any one call ask for different OGM tree.
      During the replay, the answer given become mixed and you can ear, in the first call, the OGM responses given for the second and viceversa. :mellow::huh::angry:


    Any one experimented similar problems?


    thanks for your replay!

  3. hi guys,

    I experimented the same problem using different sip providers. In some case also voice is stopped and only connection is made. I resolved it by using sip operator that works with IVM.


    Anyway, now I have another big problem:


    IVM answere more call in one time and you can ear the OGM related to the first call in the second one and viceversa. :huh:


    This make a stop to all my last month work! because, if i don't solve this, I can not use it!


    do you have any solution different than to use it for only one call at time?

  4. hello Jorge, I hade several problems with IVM bugs. For the exe file i experimented something related to the autentication in the settings menu. i use xp, maybe this is not with others OS.


    Any way, i had the same problem like you and at the end I renunced to call an external exe file and I written a record in a database, by using sql plugin and I got the external action, by continuosly monitoring datas in the db and by creating external software ti perform the actions.



    Hello guys,


    I am considering purchase IVM, but first I must fix an important problem. Maybe you can help me, please. I need IVM to do the next:


    1. Answer calls and give caller an OGM message with 3 options. The caller press a key (1 to 3).

    2. Each key goes to another OGM which has the only goal to run an exe file (winvnc4.exe -connect host:port) ...

    3. Those exe files gets vnc conection to a remote vnc server...


    I have tried my own IVR and it works fine with the call simulator, but when I try it with a real call, it doesn't work. But there is something extrange, because I can see in the IVM "log" window that IVM detects that the caller has pressed "1" key, and the logs "says" IVM run the desired exe file, but really nothing happens, vnc does not run the exe, so nor connects to any vnc server...


    Can anyone give me some ideas to fix it?


    Thank you in advance. Regards

  5. I don't know if you just made a typo in your post, but you have %menu" instead of %menu% which would be a problem if that's how it was typed into IVM.


    If it is %date%,%cid%,%menu1% and nothing shows up after the caller id, then menu1 must not have any information stored in it.


    What does the log say when the caller enters the digits on the second OGM?

    Does the log report saving that value to the variable?


    hi, do you know how is possible to have the data of call number, because it appear in the logs, but if you call %call number% data, nothing happen.



  6. I also verified that if i ask to IVM to launch an .exe file, it works with simulator but it doesn't works with a normal call, even if in the logs appear the same string describing it.


    Anyone know why?

  7. hellò, I'm trying to connect to a mysql database, using SQLLink.exe.


    It works good, with the simulator. When I try it trough VOIP connection it fault.



    The string in the log file is exactly the same. I tried with two different strings and the result has been the same: it works with simulator only.

    here one example of the two strings I have used:

    00:00 Answered line [1000 "Simulator"] call number [2271] cid [5555555555] did[] drn[0 (0ms)]


    00:00 Run plugin: C:\SQLLink.exe sitolocale "INSERT INTO mdl_user (confirmed, mnethostid, firstname, lastname, username, password, email) VALUES (1,1,'5555555555_Simulator','2007-07-19_18:06:07','18:06:07','18:06:07','18:06:07');" giovanni cart


    00:00 Plugin returned: Rowcount=1&Result=Okay&copyright=NCH Swift Sound


    The string, in the voip connection it is exactly the same but it return error!


    Could anyone help me???

    thanks a lot, ciao

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