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Posts posted by LLiam

  1. Borate, it would appear that I have 'cracked' this problem on my own. I could not come to terms with suggestions of cropping [I have no wish to remove any parts of my content] or zooming [which effectively does the same thing, one only uses part of the content]

    No, after selecting a series of content 'frames' I invoked 'Image Effects' and selected 'letterbox to aspect ratio' in the 'Aspect ratio Transforms' section and then simply left the aspect ratio setting as 'Auto Aspect Ratio' and voila everything 'got left alone'. My problem solved. It would be nice if there was a 'button' to 'select all content', but I shall manage quite well with the present select with 'Ctrl' pressed, or selecting and 'shift' selecting at the end.

    I should add that I have the 'main' aspect ratio set to 'Match Content' which effectively sets the aspect ratio to that of the 'largest' or perhaps 'common' aspect ratio in the project. And also, up to now all involvement has been with stills, I have yet to tackle the [occaisional] movie clip I shall be adding to the sequence later. One step at a time.

    I thank you again. 

  2. Borate, thank you for the prompt response. No matter what setting I choose my contentl [all different aspect ratios] gets distorted [so stretched out] to fit.

    What you are saying is that there is no preset or basic setting to avoid this.

    As I stated I have no problems with black bars, for who wants to have distorted or cropped content to avoid them, I do not.  My version is 11.7 by the way. If there is no preset or basic setting [like 'retain all content aspect ratio' or 'do not modify content aspect ratio'] and therefore I would have to make adjustments for each individual content then VideoPad would not appear to answer my hopes.

    As for uploading, that could be a possibility I suppose but if you, as support, have no direct [preset/setting] solution then any answers are likely to involve adjustment for individual content which would be very time consuming.

    I shall await what other suggestions may be forthcoming. Thank You.

  3. I am new to Video Pad and am on the learning curve, I have looked for the version info but nothing is to be found in the 'about' section. As I installed this in 2024 I am assuming I have a version in at the 13 level?. I am coming from Microsoft Movie Maker, looking for an alternative as we have no idea just how long it can be used.

    I make 'holiday videos' from a collection of photos and clips, all of different aspect ratios. I appreciate this and have no problem with black [or blank] bars either aside or above and below images and clips. Whilst I am getting along well with duration, transitions and other effects I just can not find out how to stop images being stretched out to fit the aspect ratio I choose.

    As the screens I shall be playing my videos on are all 16.9 I see no reason not to choose otherwise, but to have portrait snaps stretched out is not what I want. Even if I try 'Match content' all images of a different size get stretched. Movie maker leaves the aspect ratio [and size] of the images alone. How can I prevent Video Pad from resizing my images?

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