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Chris Manley

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Posts posted by Chris Manley

  1. It would be helpful to me to have a way to "unapply" a client payment and have the invoice remarked as not PAID.  I think there's probably something I'm unaware of in the software. Can you comment on that, please?

    Also, I've noticed some invoices being marked PAID when they're not, and I didn't apply any payments incorrectly.  One day I opened the invoices list to find that every invoice was marked paid.  I had to restore my last backup and redo all invoices and payments made since that date.


  2. Thought I'd share a tip:

    When I switched from QB, the one thing I missed was "Undeposited Funds".  I would enter checks received and assign the money to Undeposited Funds and then when I made a deposit to my business checking, I entered it as coming from Undeposited Funds, this made my QB checking account match my bank statement for reconciling and without linking my bank account with QB.

    In my EA chart of accounts, I was able to manually set up a new account called Undeposited Funds with a $0 balance.  Now when I receive a client payment I assign it to the Undeposited Funds account and when I finally go to bank and make a deposit, I make a Transfer in EA from Undeposited Funds to my business checking account.

    This just helps me keep things straight.

  3. I'm using this program by the seat of my pants and I'm sad to say I don't remember.  But I think it had something to do with using the Balance Sheet. 

    I've given up trying to figure out why it randomly marks invoices as paid when they're not.  It actually marked all my invoices paid several days ago.  I'm just getting in the habit of saving a backup after every time I use it so if something goes wrong, I can do a restore. 

  4. I'm a new user of Express Accounts and don't know what happened or how to fix my issue. 

    I received customer payment, but then decided to wait until the payment had cleared my bank account.  So I deleted the payment.  My balance sheet for the account is accurate, but in the chart of accounts it looks like the amount was not removed - it's higher than the balance sheet by exactly the amount of the payment I deleted.

    Any help with this would be much appreciated.

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