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Posts posted by StitchcraftGifts

  1. As per previous comments, I've already tried the recommended release and it made no difference.

    .mp4 format did not work; .wmv format seems to be working so far. I'll be trying it with a longer video tomorrow.

  2. Thank you so much for doing this! I have downloaded the video successfully from your link so you can go ahead and delete it.

    I'll keep playing with the software and see if I can get it to work for the next one.


    Just wanted to come back and say thanks again for your help - I THINK I've sorted it now!

    It looks like the issue was with the file format that I was trying to export the video as. I have now tried it with a different file format and it has exported perfectly.

  3. Thank you for your quick response.

    I have deleted the backup file I sent you and backed up the project again. Having looked at the new backup file, the same issue has occurred.

    I pay for OneDrive (as part of Office 365) and other videos with larger file sizes have uploaded to OneDrive perfectly in the past, so the size shouldn't be the issue.

    The project plays as expected on the timeline within VideoPad, it is only when I export the video that  I have issues. I am using version 13.59, downloaded from the link that you sent to the user borate on 4th Aug above (I think it is the same version I was already using anyway). Having read through this thread I have tried running it as administrator and that has also made no difference.

    New backup file here: 2023-08-22 16-11-41 file backup

    Is there anything else I can try?

    Thank you.

  4. Hi, I'm jumping on this topic as I am having the same issue as the original author. This is only the second time I have used VideoPad. Unfortunately as my free trial has expired already I have now paid for the software so I am anxious to get this resolved as quickly as possible.

    As per the above instructions, I have already tried the recommended release and running it as administrator but this has not solved my issue.

    I have backed up the project and you should be able to see it here:

    2023-08-19 22-49-12

    My Pc's specs are as follows:

    CPU Intel(R)) Core (TM) i5-1035G1 CPU @ 1.00 GHz

    GPU Intel(R) UHD Graphics 

    RAM 8.00GB (7.81GB usable)

    Sorry if any of this doesn't make sense - I'm not the most computer-liiterate person!

    I am tring to publish a video podcast episode and am already past the original deadline, so your urgent help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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