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Posts posted by jbechtel

  1. I had similar issues when I enabled the auto hours and time validating features. Try turning these off if they aren't already and see if the problem persists. Otherwise, I don't know.


    I didn't have these enabled but I enabled them, saved them, disabled them and saved them again. It seems to work again!


    Thanks for the help as it seems to be related to one of those two features!



  2. Within about the last week it seems as though incoming calls are being ignored. The window shows 'Line 2 Unknown [Not Answered]". There are 2 lines setup both have the same issue. Even the Call Test Simulator shows Line 1 55555555555 [Not Answered]. Any ideas why the problem is happening? The program has worked for fine for over 1 year and now, suddenly, has stopped answering incoming calls? The Caller ID portion even identifies the call as "Line 2 Unknown" which is accurate since the modems are not Caller ID capable but just seems to refuse picking up the call.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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