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Posts posted by MPei

  1. Hi, it was not set to Record automatically. But... I think I found the solution, you made me revisit the Options > Other and Advanced, and in the Advanced tab I unchecked "Do not show Debut window in recording frame when maximized" and it seems to have resolved the issue, now I'm able to have the Debut window open/maximized when not recording!


  2. I had an older version of Debut for the past 3 years, never had a problem. Today, upgraded to version 9.19 and have spent the past hour struggling with it: Debut window keeps minimizing on its own, when not recording. I can't manage to have it open/accessible for more than 2 seconds. I did all the Options configurations just as last previously done. I understand there's the option: "Minimize Debut window when recording if it is covering the recording selection", and I did check this option as I want the window to minimize when recording, but the issue is that it also minimizes when NOT RECORDING. My selection area is set to full screen, so as soon as I try to open the Debut window (not recording anything yet), window minimizes on its own automatically because it is covering part of the recording area (full screen...). How can I get this fixed? Debut shouldn't minimize the window automatically unless it is recording. I'm simply not able to work with it. I have Windows 11.


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