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Melanie Plumley

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Posts posted by Melanie Plumley

  1. Ah! Thank you for clarifying I'm not going mad. My most recent upgrade purchase was 26th Feb 23. I think 13:67 was released in September. As I'm not ready to re-buy just yet, I will have to live with that bug until my next upgrade round. Thanks for your help.

  2. I was incorrect in describing my version number. It is actually 13.61 I am using, the last update I was entitled to within the 6 month window of purchasing this copy. (I do have several previously purchased versions too!) The two images in this screen show the project prior to saving with a fade in which had been created using the "start of clip to cursor point" mode. Nothing more was then done except to close the project, clear the cache files then re-open it. The fade in (and a similar end of project fade out) had disappeared. I haven't had time to download and try the latest release as I've got a lot of editing to get through right now.

  3. I've used Videopad versions over quite some years and am now using V13:37. Earlier versions used to save audio fades as part of the project. As I generally do detailed audio mixing in other programs, the fact simple fade ins at the start of content and fades out at the end isn't a big problem. However it would be nice if I didn't have to re-enter the fade info each time a saved project was reopened.

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