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Posts posted by degarb

  1. To be fair with soundtap, I noticed last night that when I used ffmeg to record the sound, I couldn't mute it.  So, I do believe there is a driver installed that can't be see like with 2 other recording programs.

    I will need to do sound test against the ffmeg to see.  Sound tap sound sound better than the linux ports, because of the driver.  (Quality probably doesn't matter, since sound tap is only useful, if I can get it to not auto stop recording) for voice, due to lack of auto track splitting and use of https://musicbrainz.org/doc/AcoustID to name and tag.)

    I will need to see if soundtap fails when I am not writing or reading on the computer, after I kill all programs that I can using process explorer.   

    I do not understand the secrecy around the unlocked features after registering.

    I will continue to attempt to record my 18 hour audio for another evening, do some listening tests, and then bother support with reports of problems and suggestions.






  2. I do not think sound tap is worth the money after 2 days. 


    The program has promise but leaves one frustrated because of bugs.


    1. Not a very good forum.  I am reading through it, with very little response from people's questions.

    2. Unlikely, nch even understands their own product, because they had too many products, which tells me that some millionaire is just buying code of other authors and selling it.

    3. There are features built in that are stopping it from working, yet no way to turn off those features.

    4.  The program is not mature, and lacks fundamental options.


    Bugs: the stop on silence means, I must be at my computer for about 2000 hours per year to resume play.  I can't because I work 3000 hours per year and am trying to make my audio portable to avoid getting bored.....bug: after a few hours it can no longer hear the sound card on windows 10.  So I must spend 30 minutes figuring out where it cut off and finding that place in the player to start to record again.  Rinse, crash, and repeat.....I don't see any sound driver installed, just the normal sound card driver.  With replay music, I can see their driver. ...

    Basic features: turn off silence abort of recording....Add at least a xx minute new track feature, so I don't need to record a 62 hour file, which might or might not record, then spend an hour splitting, deleting 0byte files, renaming and tagging....File naming convention is lousey....


    The good is that it does have good mp3 vbr parameters that we can choose from.  For voice, I can get fine quality at 48 kps. I am not sure about music. but it seems good enough for voice, while trying other products, this most basic function is lacking. ...The ui looks simple. perhaps too simple.  


    Since all  I wan't to do is get a vbr mp3 with auto track splits at 20 minutes, which is 1999 level technology, and no program can do this, I find it frustrating.

    The program is worth nothing so far because after 2 days of 13 hours, I haven't sucessfully recorded over 64 minutes before the program became deaf to the soundcard, or just stopped recording for no apparent reason.  It refuses to take hotkey strokes, ctrl r , half the time .  In its stripped down condition, where I will need wincmd.exe to rename the files, ffmpeg to split the mp3, tag.exe to tag the files.  I highly doubt it installs any high quality driver.   If I could get it working, I would gladly pay nine dollars, but not more--especially with the lack of forum support I see here.   .....It is frustrating, because I want things to work.


    My recommendation for nch is to lower the price or make it open source and free, so people can fix the bugs. 

  3. On 9/24/2019 at 1:25 PM, elk said:

    yes, when there is a space of silence, SoundTap will stop recording, so in case you want to restart the recording, when the new song starts playing, you may need to manually click the Start Recording button. There is no work around. NCH Software formally takes suggestions or feedback about products through the form at http://www.nch.com.au/suggestions/

    It might be this feature which is breaking my recordings.

  4. I had the exact same problem, it cut out at 35 minutes, while using the machine.  So, power management is not the issue.  Windows 10.


    I actually need to be able to record a voice constantly for 60 plus hours, in a variable bit rate. ( THen, I will need to use a command line mp3 splitter and a tag.exe.)

    I am seeing a 0b mp3 file, while recording to the vbr.  I speculate, I will need to double my file size and half the free space on my playback phone, because the vrb recording is not handled competently by soundtap.  But, I am still testing and trying a second time.

    I am posting here, hoping that the op remembers the work around, or if this is a fluke.



  5. Sound tap would be useful if we could specify an automatic break every xx minutes.


    I need to record up to 100 hours of audio, usually around 20.  Obviously, I do not want tracks that are greater than 20 minutes, because most audio players on android remember what track you are on, but forget the place in the track.  A dying battery, a bluetooth ear pause that lasts too long, a player crash or player that get killed by android battery management....In other words, 20 hours of talking audio in one file is not very useful, as it is often not playable, due to the os software player, which varies between devices, phones, and car players.  Obviously, no human wants to manually insert tracks.

    I use only vbr, 16 kps to 80 kps on voice recordings, medium quality to get files with perceptibly 80 kps, down to nearly 40 kps. I assume that mp3 splitters only work on constant bitrate.


    I have been trying to use autohotkey to control send the split command, but this is only working like 80 percent of the time, when even a 1 percent failure rate will cost lots of human time.


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