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Posts posted by astro46

  1. 1 hour ago, libove said:

    From where did you get that confirmation?  How is VideoPad autostarted after some period of time?  WHY did NCH make this super-suspicious behavior?

    lol.   Not only suspicious, but very badly executed.  Trying to do something sneaky, and the app opens in front to notify you!!

  2. True.  I already have process explorer.  It doesn't give useful info if it isn't running when right before vp launches.  And if one doesn't know the name of process that calls it, you can't search for that process before it launches.  

    But it did launch a few hours ago.  

    So far, no questions have been answered.

  3. Do you see how suspicious this is?  Programs can't determine "a period of time", if they aren't running.  Programs can't "auto-start".  Something has to call them.  Your comment indicates that VP or NCH software is running, either constantly, or on a schedule, in background.  What starts them to check the date?  And why start after a period of time.   All bizarre .

    The 3 tasks in task scheduler claim that they have not run at all, last run time was in 1999, and next run time is different times this month.  Somehow, I find this all unbelievable.   I have disabled all 3.

  4. ver 12.25.   

    Don't what it was trying to access.  I wasn't wasting my time investigating.  I use win10 firewall with an app that intercepts outgoing and asks me for permission, or establish a rule.  I just said no.  Then, vp was now open on screen.

    Iac, why did vp suddenly startup?  And not just on this system.  Even if it wasn't trying to access internet, why did it suddenly start?. 

    ""C:\Users\<account name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"  There is a more complete list of system startup programs in task manager> startup tab.

    As for the startup folder, no it isn't there. plus, apps in startup folder, start during, (ready?)  at startup!  Not 4 hours later, or coming out of sleep (or hibernation, if you use that function).

    My sense is that this happens coming out of sleep, though I haven't kept detailed records, so could be wrong.  And not every time out of sleep, likely maybe once per day. ie: random.

    The important question is where it is being called from.

  5. I have been seeing the same behavior.  On several systems recently, suddenly, videopad starting itself, trying to access internet.

    No, nothing to do with videopad open before sleep or hibernation.  Why would someone complain about a program opening if they already have it open?

    On this computer,  videopad hasn't been used for quite a while, though recently (unfortunately, apparently) has been updated. 

    If I can't figure out why it is starting up, and stop it, it will be uninstalled. 

    This is b.s. behavior.

    libove:  did deleting the 2 task scheduler apps fix the problem?  i've seen those task in the past and hoped that they really only did what they said. 

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