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Brian Warner

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Posts posted by Brian Warner

  1. Thanks for getting back. I'll send a link to files privately.

    In addition to the files from backup project are three SSA files. The file names will tell you what you need to know about when in the process they were created. The subtitles retain their size and positions in the project file after applying the subtitles but only if applying them before closing the subtitles editor.

    Thanks again,


  2. Using v 12.14 (2022 Oct 17)

    I've used the subtitle editor to create a number of subtitles. Before exiting it, the subtitles are the size, color, and position as designed. When I save the SSA file and then open it in a text editor, the numbers for location seem correct. For example, I have one subtitle at left-justified, 2% horizontal margin, bottom alignment with 20% vertical offset. Shadow is on and size is 7.

    After applying the subtitles, the numbers look the same as before, i.e., it doesn't appear that the process of applying alters the SSA file. I then run the sequence in the sequence preview and, even though the numbers don't appear to have changed in the SSA, all the captions have been changed to horizontal and vertical centered, or at least all of them have been changed to the same horizontal and vertical margins. In some cases, the text size changes; in others it doesn't.

    Here are the two applicable lines for one subtitle while having the subtitle editor opened and saving the SSA.

    Style: Style9,Segoe UI,45,16777215,0,0,0,1,0,-1,0,0,1,5,5,5,0,0
    Dialogue: Marked=0,0:09:51.46,0:09:58.15,Style9,,0035,0035,0011,!Effect,Groups Tree List

     After applying and closing the subtitle editor, the SSA file did not change.

    I then restarted the editor. The above caption, and others, were no longer in the same place as before, even though the numbers in the SSA file are what they were before. After saving the SSA file at this point (nothing changed, did not Apply), here are the numbers for the same subtitle, IOW, they automatically-reset-for-some-unknown-reason numbers.

    Style: Style9,Segoe UI,45,16777215,0,0,0,1,0,-1,0,0,1,5,5,5,0,0
    Dialogue: Marked=0,0:09:51.46,0:09:58.15,Style9,,0005,0005,0030,!Effect,Groups Tree List

    In fact, all the subtitles now have margins of 0005, 0005, 0030. It's as if a set of numbers is read applies as if "All subtitles" on the Format tab is set.

    Any thoughts or suggestions? Am I doing something wrong?


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