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Posts posted by MHNF

  1. Thank you Borate for the hint with a screen shot. Holy Cow! As a teacher of Structural Engineering, I deal with thousands of people and I have to explain things down to nuts and bolts. I finally "Found" the hidden icons that were stickin' hidin'. This goes back to original Fortran programming of GIGO. If you do not explain something in the Tutorials, you hinder all sales and users.  As Simple as, "You have two video lines to pay attention too. These two sections have different editing functions. Between the horizontal visual pictures in your clip, you will see a counter line for the seconds. On the left side of the page/margin at the second counter is the word, "Timeline" with a triangle for another drop-down feature. Click on that drop-down and you will see another option of "Storeyboard". When you click on the Storeyboard, the lower video bar will change appearance and specifically show dead space, gaps between the current video sections you are working on. Between each section is a two-sided arrow highlighting the current seconds of dead space between each clip. You can adjust the amount of time between video clips in this arrow. If you Right-click upon the arrow, it will offer the option to "Close the gaps". This allows you too align all video sections/clips in the matter of seconds.     Instead of a few hours of @#$%^&*( clicking on every icon until I found it!!!)

    That is how you teach. You probably have a lot of irritated clients who gave up on this program. I noticed that some forum dates ate two to four years old with no responses. You need to hire me or my wife. I consult very cheap for only $$150 per hour. Sheesh. 

  2. It is a little baffling and maybe the downloaded version I just paid for is a different version. The tutorials have those large icons showing "Set Start and Set End". Those do not show up on my screen. I only get a "white colored bracket" with the arrows pointing left and right. Unable to figure it out yet. I know there is a  stinkin' easy way to do this but I have found it yet. I will start looking for the hidden icons of "Storyboard Mode" and the "Close Gaps" icon. Those sound like logical buttons if I find them.

    Wait a minute.. should I be trying to "Edit" in the top "Clip Preview"?  I have started in the bottom "Video Track 1".

  3. New user here. I recorded some video repeating the text several times. Then selected the best "take" of so many seconds for each scene and cut, deleted the ones not needed. I try to drag small sections together but it only expands the section back to include the material already cut out. So I have black/blank sections between the clips I need. What is the proper way to drag them together for one video?

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