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Tom U.

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Everything posted by Tom U.

  1. likely related threads (to the same problem) http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/29554-same-old-problem-little-response-no-resolution/ http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/18743-getting-wrong-info-on-tracks-and-cd/ (started in 2011 !!) http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/27739-incorrect-album-information-no-album-art/ http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/27247-strange-artist-name-song-title/ NCH - you need to FIX this By Osprey, March 17, 2008 in Express Rip http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/8764-nch-you-need-to-fix-this/ (from 2008 !!!) I think if people start reading the forum first, before buying a licence, NCH will not sell many more Express Rip licences anymore. NCH, why not fix this problem, compared to the existing features in ER the fix should be quite simple to do. JUST FIX IT !!! (pretty please)
  2. Let's see if someone at NCH will actually listen to their users / customers... Just submitted this to the suggestions https://www.nch.com.au/suggestions/ Please read this thread on the forum: http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/30706-incorrect-named-tracks-and-artist-when-ripping-cd/ Several users complained on the forum having the same problem! The Disc-ID from audio CD's are not unique in every case. Sometimes different CD albums are returned from freedb.org and E.R. often uses the wrong data. I took a lot of time to analyze this (from network traffic) and posted on the forum. If a Disc-ID returns data for different albums, please let the user pick the correct one. I also have a support case for this: [TK-1lr9300001-5CB] Pty4 ExpressRip TechnicalSupportRequest Windows + Thanks, Tom
  3. I took a look at the network traffic from the freedb.org lookups, and it looks like there's something going wrong... So the first request returns two entries for the correct album (Chicago, Greatest Hits 1982-1989), but then three more requests are made, two returning "no such CD entry in DB" (for blues and classical), but then the last one returns just one full entry for "supersonic girl" with some Chinese characters as band name and in titles. This last (wrong!) entry is then displayed in Express Rip. I wish the program would let me chose which of the entries found (2 of the 3 are correct, just the one displayed is wrong) is the correct one for me. I only did this for this CD, but I strongly assume it's the same cause for the problems with wrong data for other CDs as well. 59 3.819799 HTTP 245 GET /~cddb/cddb.cgi?cmd=cddb+query+a10c480c+12+183+23278+41505+58680+84445+107418+126498+143758+161215+182518+201743+219218+3146&hello=anonymous+localhost+ExpressRip+3.00&proto=6 HTTP/1.0 Line-based text data: text/plain 210 Found exact matches, list follows (until terminating `.')\r\n rock a10c480c Chicago / Greatest Hits 1982-1989 [Reprise 9 26080-2]\r\n reggae a10c480c Chicago / Greatest Hits 1982~1989\r\n .\r\n 67 3.878596 HTTP 165 GET /~cddb/cddb.cgi?cmd=cddb+read+blues+a10c480c&hello=anonymous+localhost+ExpressRip+3.00&proto=6 HTTP/1.0 Line-based text data: text/plain 401 blues a10c480c No such CD entry in database.\r\n 77 3.935130 HTTP 169 GET /~cddb/cddb.cgi?cmd=cddb+read+classical+a10c480c&hello=anonymous+localhost+ExpressRip+3.00&proto=6 HTTP/1.0 Line-based text data: text/plain 401 classical a10c480c No such CD entry in database.\r\n 87 3.992695 HTTP 167 GET /~cddb/cddb.cgi?cmd=cddb+read+country+a10c480c&hello=anonymous+localhost+ExpressRip+3.00&proto=6 HTTP/1.0 Line-based text data: text/plain 210 country a10c480c CD database entry follows (until terminating `.')\r\n # xmcd CD database file\r\n #\r\n # Track frame offsets:\r\n #\t150\r\n #\t19720\r\n #\t37215\r\n #\t55790\r\n #\t76479\r\n #\t95436\r\n #\t112383\r\n #\t135348\r\n #\t156899\r\n #\t176352\r\n #\t198381\r\n #\t215371\r\n #\r\n # Disc length: 3146 seconds\r\n #\r\n # Revision: 0\r\n # Processed by: cddbd v1.5.2PL0 Copyright (c) Steve Scherf et al.\r\n # Submitted via: CD2WAV32(JP) R3.22\r\n #\r\n DISCID=a10c480c\r\n DTITLE=\346\260\264\346\250\271\345\245\210\343\200\205 / supersonic girl\r\n DYEAR=2001\r\n DGENRE=Pop\r\n TTITLE0=Love\342\200\231s Wonderland\r\n TTITLE1=The place of happiness\r\n TTITLE2=supersonic girl\r\n TTITLE3=Heaven Knows\343\200\234Brave edit\343\200\234\r\n TTITLE4=\346\203\263\343\201\204\343\200\234Pedigreed mix\343\200\234\r\n TTITLE5=Look Away\343\200\234All together version\343\200\234\r\n TTITLE6=TRANSMIGRATION\r\n TTITLE7=LOOKING ON THE MOON\r\n TTITLE8=\347\234\237\345\206\254\343\201\256\350\246\263\350\246\247\350\273\212\r\n TTITLE9=NANA\350\211\262\343\201\256\343\202\210\343\201\206\343\201\253\343\200\234Special album version\343\200\234\r\n TTITLE10=\346\260\264\344\270\255\343\201\256\351\235\222\347\251\272\r\n TTITLE11=WINDOW OF HEART\r\n EXTD=\r\n EXTT0=\r\n EXTT1=\r\n EXTT2=\r\n EXTT3=\r\n EXTT4=\r\n EXTT5=\r\n EXTT6=\r\n EXTT7=\r\n EXTT8=\r\n EXTT9=\r\n EXTT10=\r\n EXTT11=\r\n PLAYORDER=\r\n .\r\n
  4. regarding freedb.org also read this thread: https://developers.slashdot.org/story/20/03/02/2245216/freedborg-is-shutting-down
  5. I get the same thing, wrong album titles when trying to rip major releases like Phil Collins: "Both Sides" & "... But Seriously" which I would expect to exist on freedb.org I'm not sure if this is because the service supposedly was shut down a week ago? Urgent notice: freedb.org and its services will be shut down on March 31st of 2020. I started using Express Rip after that date (without knowing this in advance), and for some CDs it still works fine. I hope the software author seriously considers adding musicbrainz.org as alternative DB source or just switches over to it. I would definitely like to get the CD titles from any DB where it's available, without having to enter it myself (I've done for a few CD's) The information needed is available at the links below, but I would like to have them fetched automatically. https://musicbrainz.org/release/2dc841e7-9979-4afb-9771-0e8c01d2cde0 https://musicbrainz.org/release/0956b515-6b86-4623-b95e-1ec6c288090f I want to rip my complete CD collection (over 400 CDs) and if I have to manually enter 1 of 10 or even 1 of 20 CDs that's still a lot of unnecessary work I don't want to do. Please update Express Rip to include other free CDDB sources (like musicbrainz et.al.). Thanks!
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