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installing Express Scribe on Mac OS X

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I didn't find any way to install Express Scribe on a Mac. Just only essetup.exe showed up when I clicked on the link. I looked at the forums and didn't find any answer, after not finding any answer from the NCH website. NOW what do I do?

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I didn't find any way to install Express Scribe on a Mac. Just only essetup.exe showed up when I clicked on the link. I looked at the forums and didn't find any answer, after not finding any answer from the NCH website. NOW what do I do?



Forgive me for asking the obvious - I presume you downloaded the OS X version from this link http://www.nch.com.au/scribe/scribemac.zip. If so, when you double click the .zip file, it unzips into a .dmg file. You then double click the .dmg file to be presented with the usual legal window for agreement. Once agreed, the .dmg file "mounts" and you will be presented with a window in which you find the Express Dictate icon. Simply drag this icon into your applications folder. It is now installed.



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Yes, I did download the OS X version. Thanks for your reply. I did as you said. Actually, I had already done it, but I did it again at your instructions, and the results were the same.


I had read elsewhere online that in order to "practice" using Express Scribe, once you install it, a practice dictation would appear and automatically load. Not only did nothing load, but there were no files to be found. Also, when I clicked on Help, an empty Help screen showed up. No topics, and the "Ask a question" didn't bring up anything either. That's why I thought it hadn't completely installed.


So how do I get Help/instructions, and how do I get the practice file(s)? Or how do I get something Else with which to practice?

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