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ivm blind transfer ok but cid wrong !


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Hi there !


I'm using the trial version 4.08 for test purposes before buying and i meet a problem when transferring a call.

I'm on a VOIP installation, i use 3CX PBX, works fine, with 3 IP phones, all working fine with it.


I installed IVM Answering Attendant on the same machine as the PBX is installed on, no problem too...

I've setup the program to connect as extension 105 on my PBX. So, when someone call, my PBX transfers the call to ext. 105.


I've designed a basic script in order to try if the software could meet our needs => no problem too, by the way congratulations for this software...


But when i transfer a call, something disturbing occurs...

My script :


"Welcome to ACME corp, for french, press 1, for english, press 2"

1 => Go to OGM "Transfert to french team"

OGM "French team" : Blind transfer to 802 (ring group containing one of the 3 ip phones, supposed to be the french operator)

Running INET plugin and setting in a database for the current caller id : language : french

Everything works fine to now...


But when the transfer occurs, all the phones of my ring group ring well, i can answer the call is now out of IVM and is managed trough the PBX, no problem, wonderful... But... (here we are! :-)) The CALLER ID.... is 105 ! The one of the IVM Extension... not the real caller id...

So, how to transfert using the real caller id displaying on the ip hardphones ?


Because, well, i record successfully the vars into my database, i could collect many informations about the current caller...

But how to recognize the caller in the "current callers list" if by example two people call at the same time ? The CallerID is the only distinctive information that could be used, am i wrong?


Does in the SIP transfer request there is a field other than "FROM" containing the original caller id ? CONTACT or other ? which one is used by IVM ?


If anyone here could help me... thanks a lot ! And sorry for my poor english, i'm French :-)

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how did you get the transfer work my calls just dropped tried to trans fer press#1 transfer toan extention in my office the phone rings but the call drops .

can you provide me with your trnasfer settings so i can look at them and use them.


i have the same problem with cid it on works when someone calls in transfer to ivm block says the equipment you are using the type of board, thats what i found

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