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Mixpad: Commands/shortcuts to move the Playhead?


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Hi - New to Mixpad and am struggling to work with it efficiently because of the playhead (red line).

Any keyboard shortcuts or even commands to move the playhead to:

  1. the next or prev bookmark
  2. the next or prev clip beginning or end
  3. the next or prev beat
  4. the selected track's beginning or end
  5. the entire project's beginning or end

I would expect to see a quick way to do the above, especially #1,2,4, and 5. #3 would be really great, too. 

Also: How do I set the playback to keep the playhead at the same spot so that when I press the spacebar to preview audio, it always starts at the spot where I put the playhead? I'm not able to find a way to do this and it's making audio previewing extremely cumbersome (I have to manually reset the playhead, which is already difficult due to previous points above). 

Thanks in advance! 


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