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How to put a slide on top of a video


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Ok, I'll have to get my website coder to help me with this.

I tried to do it myself & found the overlay thingy, but you could still see the video underneath it on the right & left side LOL so I finally said screw it & just put the slide before & after the video.

Another question...

I'm on a small laptop now & I don't know if it's that or a new version of videopad, but I can't even see the scrollbar for the volume on the first track when there's 3 tracks. I need them at different volumes which is why I do that.

And how many tracks does it give us?

Thanks a ton

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If the overlay video is smaller than the background, then it will need to be sized in order to fully cover the background.  Use the Scale or Motion effect.

With the licensed version of VP there's no limit on the number of tracks.  To see more or less of multi tracks use the scrollbar at the right, drag the white line that divides video from audio tracks or click on the chevrons to the left of each audio track.

  Click on this video for a bigger view.

To reset Videopad to the default layout, click the Menu (top-left), then VIEW | RESTORE DEFAULT LAYOUT.

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