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Effects Button Not Working in Videopad v11.64


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Up until recent updates, VP worked okay. Now suddenly in V11.64 the effects button does not work. It did not work in the previous release. In fact I can no longer invoke the effects editor, anywhere in Videopad.  Reinstalls do not solve the problem.

Tell me why this is, and so that I can get value out of a paid program that doesn't work, tell me what to do.

Does NCH deliberately insert bugs into Videopad, and how come a final, useable, bug-free version of Videopad is not available? 


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So you're doubting what I said. Classy. Regardless of reports, the effects button does not work in v11.64 nor in the previous version. I would have expected a better answer and support, and answers to my questions which you have ignored. Guess not. 

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Not doubting;  your issue is being addressed.  If you work with the helpful folks in this peer group (users just like yourself) an answer should eventually surface.

Considering that the behavior you describe has not been seen here in any version, nor been reported, this hints at a local issue.

Please list PC specs:  RAM, CPU, GPU, and free space on the drive.  If possible, try VP on another machine.

Try this first...   go to OPTIONS | EDITING tab and in the Advanced section at the bottom choose NONE(cpu only).

If no change, close Videopad.  Go to these folders on the PC and delete all the files that they contain.  Reboot, and reinstall Videopad.

"C:\Users\<PC name>\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Components"

"C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\Components"

The next step might be to do a thorough uninstall, using this free tool.  Delete all registry entries it finds as well.  Then install the linked version above.

Report back on what worked (or didn't) for you.

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