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Voice Pitch Shifter stopped working


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I have been using voice pitch shifter for a long time ago, and a week ago it stopped working. When I use another voice effect its work fine, but when I activate any profile that have Voice Pitch Shifter my microphone do no sound. When I put my microphone boost on 30 it does a little sound, but with a lot of imperfections and too low to hear... 

I'm using windows 10 and a HyperX cloud revolver

Anyone knows how to fix it?

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Let's try doing a clean install and delete all the cache of the program. Uninstall your software first, then go to the folder location below on your computer then delete the Voxal  folder folders:

C:\ProgramData\NCH Software
C:\Users\(Your computer profile)\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Voxal

If you can't find the AppData folder, set Windows to show hidden files and folders with the steps from this link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/14201/windows-show-hidden-files.

After deleting the Voxal folder, restart your computer then install it again

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