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Making Demo music vid


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Hi, I need some basic help constructing a "Demo" video from a 90min live music show.

The file I'm working with is one 7 gig .wav file that someone else already edited with different camera angles, audio, etc.

I'd like to take say ten 20 second snippets, and put them together.

I've done this before with Videopad, but it was always a painful process, as I don't think I was doing it correctly, or efficiently.

My first step is to cut the snippets, then have them at my disposal to put together to form the final "demo" vid. How do I do this most efficiently?

I think in the past I would literally export each snippet, then start a whole new project, importing them all.

Thanks in advance for the help!

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One way to go at it would be to place the entire show on the timeline.  (If too cumbersome, break it up into several parts.)

Then split out the segments, one by one, that to be used.  Drag each up to the bin where they will appear sequentially numbered ... and vanish from the sequence.

When all the desired segments are in the bin, clear the sequence.  Or start a new one.

Then drag each clip from the bin to the timeline in the desired order, to build the sequence for final export.

Another approach is to load the full clip to the bin, then create SET IN and SET OUT points for each wanted segment.

As you go along drop each to the timeline using the ADD/PLACE button.

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  • Put complete project on timeline
  • Play  or drag cursor to start of first section to save.
  • Split track
  • Play/drag cursor to end of first section to save
  • Split the track
  • Grab section to keep and pull it up to Video track 2
  • Repeat for other sections.
  • Delete Video track 1
  • Close all the gaps in Video track 2.
  • Edit further if needed and export.


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