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VideoPad is great and I prepared a list of recommendations


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VideoPad is literally my favorite editor. I've tried more than 10 editors, including the most usual between professional editors. But VideoPad is literally the best performing of them all and I see incredible potential in it. So I found a number of things that I think if they were implemented would make a lot more people consider it a 10/10 editor.

1. I think it would be great to have an option to decide the resolution of the timeline. This would be useful if I have a video that doesn't have a common resolution such as 4:3, 9:19, etc. At the moment there are only presets of known dimensions, but there is no option to customize.

2. Visual zoom. I know there is an option to modify the zoom by grabbing a corner and dragging, but it's not quite comfortable. It would be great if there was a more visual option that also indicates pixel width and height.

3. Animated motion based on points/markers. The current options for animated motion are based on axes and coordinates, and I find them very complicated and you can't achieve complex animations, for example: something that appears on the right, stays in the center, and then goes down. You can't do it well because the motion options expect you to make a single motion direction, not complex patterns. The same thing can be achieved by setting points/markers in the timeline. For example: from point A to point B (let's say 1 second), a thing passes from one place to the second location, and from point B to point C (let's say three seconds) the thing passes from the second place to the third one. It's something like it was in Sony Vegas.

4. A simpler shortcut for cutting clips from a sequence. Now it is Shift + L but it could be just S or some single key. There could also be a menu to customize shortcuts, like Photoshop has.

I know I'm going to have much more ideas and I can report bugs if you need it. I found one in the Export Menu > Video file. The Widescreen Fit picture sometimes gets buggy.

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Preview A/R options were revised years ago, and now are monitor basedr.  Common ones are available via the drop-down menu.  image.png

It's not pixel width and height, but numbers are shown in the Zoom config box...  image.png

Motion can be animated by plotting keyframes.

  See this HELP file...   http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/videopad/win64bitpaid/effects_animating.html


"L" splits clips, both audio and video.  Keyboard shortcuts...  http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/videopad/win64bitpaid/keyboardshortcuts.html

Click the downward chevron at the top-right of the VP screen for bug reporting and suggestion links.  The NCH folks are glad to see them.  image.png

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  • borate changed the title to VideoPad is great and I prepared a list of recommendations

Hi Lemonade.

"   4. A simpler shortcut for cutting clips from a sequence. ..."

With your clip(s) on the timeline set the red cursor line at the start of the deletion. Grab the stem of the cursor line and drag it right (or left) to the end (or start) of the unwanted section. This will produce an area highlighted in blue. Right click the area and select DELETE from the menu.

The selected area of the sequence will be deleted and gaps closed.........

Complete clips are simple.......just right clip the clip in question (to select it) and then Delete (ripple). Selected clip is deleted and gap in the sequence is closed.

".....3. Animated motion based on points/markers. ...."

As Borate says, use keyframes to animate. Most of the VP effects can be animated. This example uses just Position and Scale to move the Rose png about the background....

basic keyframes move the object in straight lines between the frames but the graph line can have curved trajectories as well.

If you are unsure regarding the use of keyframes post to the forum and someone will explain. 




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Suggestion not to the program itself: Would be useful to include the version number in the installation file name, for example instead of vpsetup.exe have vpsetup11-38.exe.

I use older version of this good program and have no way to find out what is the current version offering now.

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