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Can't Use Video Effects

In The Studio

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I have a podcast and have created a video opening for my show, which turned out great. Then I added a little image of the name of the show and I had it scroll in from the right to the center for a couple seconds then slide out to the left. It looked great. For some reason the project didn't save and now I don't have that video open template to use. Now I'm trying to recreate it and the Video Effects option isn't lit up and when I click on it, it says to pick a video file to use the effects on. I didn't have that problem the last time. I've searched here and Google and found nothing that says anything about turning that option on and off. All I see is that you can add those effects to videos and images. So I'm wondering why that option would go away when I know I used it before for the same image. Any help would be great, thanks.

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There are several methods for applying effects...

Select a clip in the bin (top-left of the window).  Click the Video Effects button on the Home toolbar.  This adds the effect to the clip, which then can be dropped to the sequence.  Or right-click on the bin clip and choose Video Effects.

If already on the sequence, click the FX icon in the corner of the clip to bring up the effects box.  Effects added in that manner don't affect the bin clip. 

If you don't see the FX, expand the timeline with the slider at the bottom-right of the screen.  image.png

If neither of these methods succeeds, reboot and perhaps reinstall the program;  something may be corrupt.

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A video effect has to be applied to a selected video (or image). Until you have a video (or an image) loaded to VP the option remains greyed out.  When you say that you added a "little image of the name of the show" you presumably added a Text file or a Title file.  Once these are added to the timeline they appear there with an FX box and the Video Effects option on the toolbar will now be active. Clicking either the FX or the toolbar option will bring up the effects window.  Note that a text file will be automatically added to Track 2 at the cursor position if a video clip is already on Track 1. If this is not the case then the text file remains in the image bin. The first time you did this you probably already had a clip or image on the timeline, in which case the FX options would have been active.

Can't say why your project did not save but (although you may know this already) remember that VP saves a .vpj  file not your created video. Check your PC for a .vpj file. The vpj file is a text file that when run will open VP and tell it how to recreate your work at the point where you saved it.


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Peculiar.  Did you reinstall?  What version is this ... look at the left-bottom corner of the window.

Let's see the image.  Please share a file or two that has the issue. Upload the file/s to a free server, such as Google Drive or MS OneDrive, get a shared (public) link, copy the link and paste it here or to me in a Private Message via the mail envelope in the top-right corner of this forum.  When using Google Drive, if necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with link can view."

Update to the latestFor licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date.  After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.  Retain your old install file and registration info.

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Yes that is odd. I take it that the image was something like a jpg and it was on the timeline? If this was so then it should display the FX box at the left end and the Video effects tab on the top Home toolbar should be lit up.......

z.jpg  zz.jpg

Even with nothing else added a text or title image would display the FX box when added to the timeline..

y.jpg.......and the Video Effects tab would again be lit.

Your image WAS on the timeline???

Share as Borate describes.


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PNG, as it has a transparent background. I run it at the bottom of the screen after the intro and I introduce the show. The first time I used it, it was fine. The FX on the menu bar worked and I could apply video effects to it. Now that button is disabled and the FX button in the bottom left corner only shows image effects, not video effects. I can only add image effects, which I don't want to do, and I can add fade in and fade out effects. I need the video effects. The image was on the timeline.

EDIT: Version 11.08

EDIT 2: Updating to current version didn't help.

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Still not sure what you have done....  However, follow this through as either you are getting mixed up with your FX selection or something is not right....


This is a transparent png image loaded to VP (in bin) and then dragged and dropped on Video Track 1. It has the FX box as it should and the Home toolbar shows the Video Effects tab active. The Image Effects tab remains inactive until you select the image in the bin..... (Note here it has been selected.)... Going this route the Video effects tab is not active...


In effect both routes lead to the SAME effects selection screen....


Selecting from the image bin will active Image effects tab.

Selecting from the Video bin will activate Video effects tab

Selecting either an Image or a Video clip from the Timeline is normally done using the FX box

You may be getting confused with this.The fact it is a png is irrelevant.

Check this out and come back.


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Hi Borate

"......but your PNG is no different than any other....."

Exactly. Once on the timeline the png FX box is there. But is In The Studio seeing that?  My point was the toolbar options highlight depending on what selection is made from the bin clips...whether image or Video. Once on the timeline both clip types have the FX box displayed.  My other point was that In The Studio might have been confused between the two options on the toolbar and didn't realize that the Video effects and the Image effects tabs bring up identical effect choices.


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Okay, this isn't getting me anywhere. It worked before, and it won't work now. I'm doing the exact same thing as I did before. The Video Effects will not activate for me to click it and use its options. No matter where I click on the image in question, bin, track, wherever. Thanks anyway, I'm just going to chock it up as a loss.

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One more thing to try before abandoning ship...

Close Videopad.  Use Windows Explorer (the file manager) to delete all files in these folders...

"C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Components"

"C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\Components"  (or files may be in a similar path without the x86)

Reinstall the latest VP release.   Good luck.

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Right-click on the In the Studio overlay.  The Effect choice should appear on the drop-down menu.

Or expand the timeline with the slider at the bottom-right until the FX appears in the clip thumbnail.  image.png

The reason that it's changed is likely because you have added content to the project, which has compressed the sequence display.

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You seem to be giving up without a fight. :)

".......The FX button on the overlay takes me to image effects........"

That is as it should be.......The overlay IS an image (isn't it?) Image effects is what you are after isn't it?  You get the effects list up....yes?  (Borate has also asked this.)

As mentioned above, the Image effects list and Video effects list are one and the same.

Once placed on the timeline the FX  box will be present, and whether on a Video clip or an Image clip it will take you to the SAME effects list. Are you saying that this is not happening?

If you click the clips/images whilst they are still in the bin you will highlight one or other of the tool bar tabs depending on whether its an image or a video you have selected.  From those tabs (whichever is lit up) you can apply effects to the bin clip. Those tabs are apparently linked to the bins....Video file bin....Image bin...Audio file bin. That's why only one highlights..it depends on what bin file type you selected. Now, are you saying that the highlighted tab on the toolbar doesn't bring up the effects list?

So.....".....The FX button on the overlay takes me to image effects......" Where were you expecting it to take you?

A png is an image. If clicked in the bin the Image effect tab is highlighted.

A Video clip is a video if clicked in the bin the Video effect tab is highlighted.


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VIDEO EFFECTS, not image effects. I used video effects on it once before, and now I can't. It says I can add video effects to videos and images, but it won't let me. I feel like I'm not making my issue clear enough. How exactly did it work before and won't work now? This is why I'm done with it. I'll just use some crap image effect. Thanks all. Logging out now.

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Did you delete the files and reinstall as suggested above?

Share your project.  Someone will take a look and come up with a fix.  The process is easy, quick and can be done privately.  Just follow these steps...

  •     Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left.  Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER.  Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER.
  •     Upload ---  Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER.    Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. 
  •     Get link --- Get a public link.  If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" 
  •     Share ---     Click COPY LINK | DONE.  Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me.  It won't be shared.

          *    Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES.  Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.

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Hi Matt

Hang in there!.:)

".......PNG, as it has a transparent background. I run it at the bottom of the screen after the intro and I introduce the show. The first time I used it, it was fine. The FX on the menu bar worked and I could apply video effects to it. Now that button is disabled and the FX button in the bottom left corner only shows image effects, not video effects. I can only add image effects, which I don't want to do, and I can add fade in and fade out effects. I need the video effects. The image was on the timeline........"

 According to your post (above) you have your png already on the timeline, so FORGET THE TABS ON THE TOOLBAR  they are for clips/images/audio  selections that are made directly to the clips in the different bins. As your image is already on the timeline...

Click the FX box on the png on the timeline only. THIS WILL OPEN THE EFFECTS LIST. 

"....the FX button in the bottom left corner only shows image effects, not video effects......."

Where does VP say this? The FX box opens the  list of effects there is no distinction. They can be used on images or video clips. It comprises all the effects available.

Don't be confused. Anything added to the timeline (whether image or video) is considered a Video clip. Your png is now a video clip of a specific duration. Clicking the FX box on the png clip opens the  list of effects. You should not think of them as relating to either image or video.



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