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Can we create a Textbox TEMPLATE?


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May I ask another question since you helped me already today extremely?

Is there a way how to set a text setting template? 

It seems videopad does not allow to copy and paste the text boxes.  When you paste it and edit it, then the original also changes, pity...

I don´t want to set each time the settings of the text box, size, background, length, fade in fade out, etc

Can this be somehow customized as a TEMPLATE?

Best Regards

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Create your first clip.

Then right-click that clip in the bin (top-left) and COPY.   Right-click an open area of the bin and PASTE (Clip).

Click on the new clip, which will have a (1) in its name.  Then click on the text box.

Swipe (highlight) the old text and type in the new.  The original text clip won't be changed.

If you need fades, program a transparency and apply it to the first bin clip.  image.png

Then make a copy as instructed above.  Position it as desired on the sequence and replace the text.  Drag its handles to change the duration.

Text parameters will be the same as long as they are not changed in the text compose window.

Duration of new text boxes will be based on the image default setting - OPTIONS | MEDIA.

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  • Create your first text and add any effects.
  • Right click the text in the image clip bin and then Copy
  • Right click the Clip bin and then Paste Clip(s)  The text with effects will be copied to the clip bin with its effects and text editor will open under the clip preview window.
  • Edit the text.....The original will not change

This is the same as Borate's reply  and effectively copies the text and effects within a project. However if you want to be able to save a "template" to use repeatedly in different projects then try this..

  • Open VP and create a text and add any effects.
  • Save project As. Give it a name like TEXT and save to a dedicated folder on your PC. This will be a vpj file
  • Open a new project or load the project you are working on
  • Click Menu/File/Import Clips from Another Project
  • Navigate to your dedicated folder and load TEXT.vpj
  • Your dedicated text with its effects will load to the image clip bin and can be incorporated into your project.

Whether you find this useful or not  (creating copy texts is simple enough) it does answer you question regarding creating a "template"


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hallo Guys, thank you so much....it sounds good but I don´t et it right

what is the "Then right-click that clip in the bin (top-left) and COPY.   Right-click an open area of the bin and PASTE (Clip)." 

where is the bin? where does the clip 1 appears? hhmm...... tricky



Why dos it happen when I copy and past in the time line a text block and edit the text in the 2nd version, that the 1st (original) also changes?

Why are they still  linked somehow together?

To work through the bin is bit tricky since then you import like a entire clip and need to edit the text in it. 

Quite  a long way.

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The "bin" is the area where your stored/loaded clips appear. (Top left of the GUI.) It lists the Videos, Audio,and images that you can drag to the timeline. 

When you can create a text  it will appear in the image "bin"

If you click that text image you can Copy/Paste it back into the bin. It will appear to be identical but in fact it is a different text image which you can now edit in the text editor under the clip preview window.. This won't change your first text. In this way you can create any number of text images all slightly different.


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8 hours ago, Nationalsolo said:

If you click that text image you can Copy/Paste it back into the bin.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... now I see...it appears under IMAGES. Didn´t notice it. So basically all the text blends in of te entire clip are appearing there? Didn´t know. Ok so I can create there a "template" and always copy /past it there...this can wort yes. Not the elegant template solution but definitely still a good trick.

Thank you so so much Nat and Bor for your big help.

I needed the text to be specific way rotated and with shades and on specific place in the clip. So imagine to do it 20 times manually in the clip for each text blend in...eeeiisshhh

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You can add effects like rotation to the text  in the image clip bin. If you Copy/Paste this text back into the clip bin as explained above, the effects are copied as well. If you then alter the text (re-edit it) The edited text will retain the effects. The original remains unaltered.

If you want a "template" of your basic text just create it VP on its own and then Save Project As giving it a name you can recognize like "texts" This will save a vpj project file of just your text(s)

If you want then to use them in a new project then  do: Menu/File/Import Clips from Another Project.  Navigate to and Open your saved vpj file (vpj.texts ) and your text clips that you created will be added to the new project for you to use.


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