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Insert image into track and keep subsequent video and audio in sync

Mark Roworth

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My video is a effectively a slideshow of png images, with narration over it. The narration I've recorded as a number separate clips and they aren't contiguous (i.e. there are gaps between them). I've shifted them around to get them to sync with the transitions between slides appropriately. I've got about 40 images, and about 100 narration audio clips this way.

I need to insert some additional slides and recordings fairly early on in the sequence. If I insert an image, all the existing images are pushed 3 seconds later - great - but the audio doesn't move with them.

Is there some way to lock the audio clips to their place in the video track, so that when I insert into the video track the audio clips shift along the timeline the same distance?

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1 hour ago, borate said:

Select (highlight) all clips that should stay together, then right-click on one of them and GROUP CLIPS.

Thanks Borate. I've also realised learnt about sequences in the meantime, so have split the video into a series of sequences, and used a "master sequence" to join them together. Hence if I need to insert another sequence, I just create it and drop it into the master sequence.

It actually seems to be a good way to think about content when doing what is effectively a narrated slideshow.

Grouping clips also very useful. Thank you.

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