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Keeping text animations without keeping text


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Hello, I'm a pretty warmed up user of Videopad, having used it since early 2020, and I can usually figure out my problems with the software with simple workarounds. But this is a thing I've tried to do, and it really just never worked without messing up my whole project.

I want to have subtitles in my videos, because there are usually two people talking at once, and the audio often overlaps and creates weird amalgamations of words that don't make any sense to the viewers. I can't use the subtitle tool, because as far as I know, there is no way to stack subtitles on top of each other (like literally on top, different y axises), and plus, the next thing I want to do with them would also be impossible to do.

I like to have my captions kind of pop out from a size of 0.59 to 1 quickly, and it takes about 2-3 minutes to do that with the animation tool. Although it doesn't take long, I find it annoying to have to keep making brand new text, going to the video effects, selecting Scale...you get what I mean. What I really want is some way to copy and paste text with the animations intact. It's super annoying to have to memorize when the text gets bigger every single time, and this could be valuable update or plugin to VideoPad if there's no way to already do this.


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  • Set up a blank text.
  • Place it on the timeline
  • Add the required effect to the text. (Position/Zoom in/out Scale etc.)
  • Save the effect as a An effect chain template. (Blue cassette). It will be present in the effects Template section.
  • The effect template can be used with any other text.


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I did try using the manual subtitles, and it seemed pretty nice until I realized that the subtitle tool is PAINFULLY hard to use. I like to put sound effects, subtitles and such at the exact MOMENT when i notice or say something, but you can't see the audio waves at all with the subtitle tool, so you have to absolutely and completely play it by ear when you're using it.

I also gave the auto-generated subtitles a whirl, but just like YouTube captions, they were very, very inaccurate. Now, I really don't want to harp on NCH just because they don't have their captions to perfection. No software does. But they were literally in another DIMENSION. They started jabbering about the Nazi regime and Samuel Jackson when I was talking about very different stuff. My best guess is that these subtitles were built for news broadcasts and videos like that.

The effect chain templates work surprisingly well for free software. They're nice to have. But the fault at hand on my end is that I didn't emphasize on my main problem, which is that I am DONE with having to right click the text image in "images", make a whole NEW text image, and type it in. I am in love with the fact that it keeps your font, position, and outlines, but wouldn't it be easier to just let us copy and paste the text and type it in from there instead of having to copy and paste the actual IMAGE and then manually drag it into your timeline...

A ton of free PC software is able to do that, like Hitfilm and Davinci Resolve, and Videopad is on the last straw with me. The only reason I don't use those better alternatives is because my laptop can't run them. I'm gonna ask one more time before just giving up and taking 3 weeks to edit one 20 minute video, why can't you enter text without it taking 5 minutes?!

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With VIEW mode displaying both the clip and sequence windows, the audio track of a clip can be clicked to display the waveform.  Drag the clip preview cursor and the sequence cursor will track.  Add a text clip and it will be automatically overlaid at the cursor position.

Subtitle generation isn't useful, for a number of reasons.  This site (among others) does it well, and can generate subtitle file formats for import to VP or a player.

No need to access the Image bin, make a new text image and type...

1.  Position the timeline cursor where you want the new title

2.  Click ADD TEXT/SIMPLE TEXT and the default length text is automatically overlaid at the cursor position with the last used text parameters

3.  Swipe the text and press <ctrl-V> to paste what you have copied to the clipboard (or type new text)

4.  Open effects and click on the template containing the effect parameters that you saved

     Or, if there's only a single saved effect and it was the last to be used, right-click the timeline text clip and APPLY LAST USED VIDEO EFFECT.

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