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Exporting Video with two clips


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Hi i have just installed Videopad to evaluate and am using the Eval

I have created a simple Project that contains two video clips. No transitions

I can preview the two clips and all seems ok.

However when i come to export the Video it only ever exports the first clip

Anyone have an idea of what is going on or is this a limitation imposed until i buy. I want to see it working before i buy

Thank you


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Hi thanks for the quick reply. After trying everything i added a simple transition  between the two clips and now when exporting both the clips are included

Very strange. I will also test out your suggestion to turn off "Re-Encode"



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I was using Lossless Export and had clips from the beginning of my timeline appearing at the end of the video after exporting. 

Tried your suggestion to use "Off (Re-encode Video)" at it exports fine now! Thanks so much for the help! Glad I found this thread! 

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