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Image imports low quality


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When I load an image (actual resolution 1920x1080) into Express Animate, it loads at a lower resolution (something like 1268x768). When I expand it to 1920x1080 to match the composition size, the quality is very poor. The animation aspect ratio is set to 16:9.

How do I import the file at its actual size and not lose the quality?


Thanks in advance.

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You will need to give us some more information. Type of picture file would be nice. And is your Preview Quality button set on Full Quality? What is the composition display scale set at? Do you have enough RAM set aside to Preview the composition the way you want?

I don't understand where you are reading the resolution from or how you can add any resolution to the image. So have a little dialog with us so we can see where the issue is coming from. Thanks...

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I have tried the image as a jpeg and png but the effect is the same. 

The composition scale is set to 100%.

Preview quality is set to full quality.

I have assigned up to 10gb or ram for preview and 5gb for cache.

The image comes out poor in the video too.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I have not gotten back to you on this issue. Out of town on someone else's dime. Looks as tho you are doing all the right things. I set my software back to it's original state and I uploaded  photos, in high resolution, with no issues that you are getting. The fact you are the first to have this happen tells me that your computer system is not up to snuff, hardware or OS, or you need to re-download the software. Download the software and re-install it. If the issue persists contact customer support.

Make sure you come back and post your working solution so it can be shared. 

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  • 4 months later...

I'm having this guy's same issue. Could it be the new updates/versions rolled out lately that are not fully backward compatible with older windows platforms? 

Anyone have advice on which older update version to install for better windows 7 compatiblity please post in the new thread.

Btw he gets the image resolution info by right clicking the image after importing to the canvas. It shows the width height plus bit depth. 

I started another thread with a lot of details about my machine. Too bad this guy didn't report back. But I get the catch 22 if you are on free trial and won't be able to get thru to support.

Wish it were as simple as pics looking low res in preview but then exporting normally. Nope.

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