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On 7/18/2021 at 1:46 AM, ml440 said:

Is there a method(s) to easily remix the WAV files?  I have found it very tedious/laborious to manually match up the WAV bars, and Not Screw Up the Flow (i.e., the Melody, etc.)  of the track. 


When you say remixing, do you mean you have the individual instrument/audio elements and wish to combine them as one song/piece playing altogether?

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Hi.  No, I mean simply remixing a WAV file as appears in the screen, and then going about to, say for example, remove the parts with vocals, or extending the bridge, increase the duration of a loop, increase the intro or outro, etc., etc.

It seems like it should be Easier To Accomplish this with just a few concise cuts and pastes--vs. having to closely scrutinize that one haven't cut off a bar too many of the WAV file lines---there seems like there is an Easier Way to Accomplish Remixing a WAV file!   It's Not Fun--it's, as I said Labor Intensive, Laborious, etc.!   I don't mean necessarily, "push a button and the WavPad Music Editor Remix FOR you"---I mean just what I said, it seems like it SHOULD BE EASIER to REMIX a file--as I explained above than having to make sure every last line of a WAV file is JUST RIGHT;  i.e., that I didn't cut off a measure or beat, or melody by simply cutting off a line one to many, etc., etc.

I remember reading somewhere on WavePad's website or one of their videos (and I'm paraphrasing) "..Remix a track in a snap.." 

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