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saving files


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i’m confused about saving files. if i save->save-file a new file it does not give me the option to choose a destination. i can’t find it, where it’s saved? or does it only work for edited files, not new ones?

save->save-as requires a destination and works as expected.save->upload-file-to-cloud-service does the same thing and if that isn’t enough options cloud->upload-file-to-cloud-service does also. what is with all the duplication?

occasionally when i return to wavepad the file i was working on is gone and it asks me if i want it reloaded. i find that i can get it much faster by going to home->file->open-recent-files than reloading. is this because wavepad is saving files in the app? how long are they stored?

any help understanding this is appreciated.

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-If you select this option this would save the project on your previous locations, if you are just creating a new project and you select this option the same program would display a window requesting the location. 

-The save file as would be storage the information your machine the Cloud would by via internet, Would be better to storage on your machine.

-That is correct. You remove the recents like that. 

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